
Who likes pizza yummmy?

by  |  earlier

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i do i rate it a 10 how about you thanks




  1. 10

    i eat pizza "everyday" after school with my friends

  2. I do

    depends on the place  

  3. Homemade pizza is the best. Yummy!

  4. 10! 10! 10!

  5. white pizza with bacon = FTW!

  6. ah! im so hungry for it now

    who doesnt like it?

    lol 10!!!

  7. 10!!!!

  8. mmmm yummy i love cheese pizza ok now i want pizza you had to post this question up!


  9. 8

  10. I work at Pizza Pizza, a pizza restaurant and i'm surrounded by pizza all day. At the back where people make pizza, you'll be amazed as to what they do to customers pizza... I was making pizza in the back.

    I rate it a 2 =\

  11. i LOVE pizza! right now i'm totally craving a white pizza with garlic, spinach, mushroom, onion, & of course LOTS of cheese! :-D

  12. i do 10

  13. i have to rate it a 100 i really love pizza

  14. h**l yea!!!

    i love pizza!

    totally a 10!!

  15. I'll give 8.

  16. Eleventy billion!!! I love pizza!!! especially cheese pizza!!!

  17. I want pepperoni pizza

  18. me me me! I am trying to make the dough from scratch!

  19. 9!!!

  20. with ranch dressing! 10!

  21. I DO!!!!!

  22. i rate pepperoni pizza at a 11!

  23. who doesnt!? and h**l yeah its a 10

  24. 6, its good but greasy

  25. depends where I am.  My favorite pizzaria is in Roma, just right off of Campo Di Fiori OMG...they have the best pizza.  It's more than a 10.  My Zia makes incredible Sicilian pizza that's more than a 10.  American pizza....compared to real pizza I rate about a 6

  26. 9

  27. who doesn't? i give it a 20 out of 10!!!!  

  28. Depends what kind of pizza. If its low fat, low salt, low sugar, plus a thin base with lots of fresh veggy toppings, then i would rate a 10 :)  

  29. 10!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  30. 10

  31. 10.

    Provided it is served with beer. That way, it includes all the food groups, except chocolate, but that can be added for the chocoholics so inclined.

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