
Who likes surfing?

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hey everyone, i am a big fan of surfing and i'm pretty good! I would like to know who else likes surfing. And if they entre compititions. And where there favorite place to surf is and why?. THANKS! and seriously nice answers, and sensible answers!




  1. Okay, you asked the d$%n question, so you have to sit through my who D*&n answer.

    I'm a city boy, who was lucky enough to spend his summers at the beach, since infancy. I played in the ocean and back bays my whole life, and by around first or second grade, I was swimming in the ocean and back bays. We jumped off bridges and docks, body surfed and body boarded and eventually, as surfing caught on more on the east coast, we surfed. I started in 1966 riding a 9'6" "Whitehead" a surfboard made in Texas by a boatwright. It was glass blown from a chopper gun, the way a boat hull is made.

    I spent almost all of my teen years, swimming, sailing, surfing, scuba diving and fishing. I even surfed in different places the Navy sent me, when it was possible.

    There are good things about both long and short boards. I ride both (one at a time , of course). In the mid sixties, like almost everybody else, I started on a longboard. I went shorter and shorter every summer, during the 'short board revolution.' After getting out of the service, I had afew years of sporadic surfing, before I got back to surfing as much as possibly could. (I've driven 650 miles to go surfing!). I found some days that were just too small anything but a longboard. Just riding one size board is very limiting, conditions change daily in most places.

    I am old, and fat and slow, so even my shortboard is 7'6". My 6'4" is a collectors' item now. Not every break has ripper, head high waves every day. A longboard is great for plenty of glide in that knee high stuff. One more reason to surf every chance I can.

    Surfing is an ocean sport, to do it right, you have to be at home in the ocean, with its currents, rips, undertows and sometimes big waves. I don't just mean being good at swimming in a pool, the ocean can be very unforgiving. I have seen lots of really good pool swimmers have to get rescued. Young people have to learn surf etiquette (so the experienced surfers in the line up don't want to drown them), how to paddle and take off on a wave, and how to ride a wave.

    I believe that lessons are usually the best way to start, unless you are an adolescent or young adult with lots of pals who surf who can teach you.

    I have had a lifetime of joy from surfing. It can be dangerous, because the sea is very unforgiving. I have more than my share of breaks, sprains and strains. I've dragged myself up onto the beach a few times slashed up like I had been in a sword fight, but I still love it. The body eventually heals, and the sea is still making waves when I get better.

    Be careful of what you read here on line. There are lots of really well meaning young folks who have neat answers about surfing, but at 55, I tend to classify anyone under 25 as a kid. After I found this site, I figured that I could answer a few questions, and spread the 'good news' of surfing. After you learn to swim and master the ocean, get your REAL advice from a surf shop, where industry professionals earn their rent money selling surfboards.

    My son and daughter-in-law surf (she's from Redondo beach, of course she surfs), my son-in-law surfs (my daughter won't go in the water?) and all of my grandchildren (five, ages 5-8) are all at different stages of learning ocean skills and surfing.

    I spent my summers at the shore, or lived in a seashore resort (I ived at the shore for years, then I moved ..nuts huh?), I live two hours from the closest beach now. That doesn't stop me from surfing. I am going to make the ride on Sunday, to get a couple of hours in the water, have lunch & drive home. I'll have my grandsons, so I have to find a spot where I can go with little guys. For this summer, I have already planned week long trips with my wife and grandkids, when I will surf once or twice every day. I know I'll make lots of day trips (But with the price of gas, I have to cut down on something else). I routinely drive 650 miles to spend a week or so surfing in S. Carolina when it's really cold up here in the northeast. Good luck.

    I feel sorry for lots of the kids who write in questions here, like "I am going on a weeklong vacation, and I want to surf. I can't swim, and I've never seen the ocean before, tell me what to do?" I try to tell 'em like it really is, but some nitwits get on here and tell them, "Buy a short board, it rocks, I have a Rusty"  Instead of telling them go take some surf lessons, enjoy the heck out of it, and accept the fact the you haven't even scratched the surface.

    A couple of my regular spots are frequented by 'kooks; on rental boards. I try to be nice, but there are more than enough dangerous people in the water already. heck, I'm so old and slow, some days I feel like a kook, let alone the poor folks paddling around in the soup and getting in my way, or getting caught in a rip and having to get rescued. I wish EVERYBODY Could surf, but tha everybody learned the RIGHT WAY.

    Take the time to check out the links, especially surfingforlife

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  2. sorry but that kind of a silly question to ask in the "surfing" section. although sometime we get the skateboarders bullsh!t. so ya almost every one who is on the surfing page is going to like surfing, unless your some low life going around to the sports that you can't do and ripping on them. so yes i like surfing!

  3. i surf,

    i've been doing it for about 9 years now,

    we always go to Maui, every summer,

    it rocks.  And Newport Bay, its one of the best places,

    we live about 5 minutes from there!


  4. I tried it when I was in Hawaii. It's really cool, but I never really got the hang of it.

  5. I love surfing and have been addicted to it for over thirty years. I grew up in N.J. and learned to surf there. I've lived in Florida for twenty years and never stray far from here. Although the waves aren't massive, my surf spots aren't overcrowded, and I can grab almost every wave. I've never competed. I surf for the love of it and peace of mind.

    Florida rocks during hurricane season! Great question by the way.

  6. Come on how sensible can a surfer be and serious too  ok ill give it a try i love the sport one on one me and nature and I'm going to carve my name in it  i like cottons its just a great break and a fun line-up  ka! ka! kkkkkka! ka! sorry lost it for a sec  late

  7. i like to surf but i live in belgium and im only 13 so i kant go to hawai or some other good places to surf :'( :'( :'(
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