
Who likes the Tag Team of.....?

by Guest10933  |  earlier

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Lance Storm and William Regal better than Cryme Tyme?

I do!




  1. if i could be serious for a minute...  storm & regal would kill those two in a wrestling match.  i find cryme tyme only slightly less annoying than john cena.  they're too heavy on gimmick and too light on actually doing anything.

  2. i like cryme tyme a lot better. they are one of my favorite tag teams :]

  3. Storm & Regal were good, but Cryme Tyme is, in my opinion, more talented and a whole lot more entertaining..

  4. Great tag teams died in the 90's.  The last great ones were

    Harlem Heat

    New Age Outlaws


    The Outsiders

    In the 80's, it was the Tag Team Golden Era:

    The Road Warriors


    The Hart Foundation

    The New Zealand Sheepherders

    The Fantastics

    The Rockers

    The British Bulldogs

    Arn and Tully

    The FreeBirds

    The Von Erichs

    Ole and Gene Anderson

    Ricky Steamboat and Jay Youngblood

    the Midnight Express

    The Rock N Roll Express

    Sgt. Slaughter and Don Kernodle

    Ivan and Nikita Koloff

  5. Cryme Tyme is well overdue for a title push, but nothing beats the old school tag team

    1 brothers of destruction

    2 rock and sock connection

    3 the outsiders

    man i can go on and on but am going to stop

  6. dunno

  7. Both are great teams but I like Cryme Tyme better

  8. i do too....

  9. Storm and Regal are blatantly better wrestlers than Cryme Tyme, but if people would associate 1 word w/ them it would be boring. Storm has always been boring and it seems that Regal developed this type of personality when teaming with him.

    Cryme Tyme aren't nearly as good wrestlers as Storm/Regal, but they're good enough to put on a good match and on top of that they have the entertainment factor down to a tee. When combined they form a great tag team and whether people want to except it or not they're the only tag team thats really over right now.

    So my choice would be Cryme Tyme by a long shot.

  10. i also do

  11. I'd think they (Storm/Regal) were more dominant and better wrestlers.

    Cryme Tyme does have the better gimmick, though.

  12. Cryme Tyme is better but I also like the old tag teams from 90s to early 2000s

  13. A very, VERY good wrestling team....but not all that entertaining I'm afraid.

  14. they're both great.

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