
Who likes the Twilight book??!?

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I just finished it in a day cuz it rocked and now I'm in love with Edward!! lol! Who else likes the book and series I'd luv to chat about it. didn't you just wish you were Bella lol!




  1. omg! me too! isnt edward so s**y!? haha im obsessed :D

  2. I LOVE EDWARD CULLEN!! Actually, I love ALL the Cullens. I am SO jealous of Bella. My best friend is overly obsessed with Edward. My best friend, my other friend and I made an agreement. My best friend has Edward (since she would just about beat us dead if any of us took him, LOL) my other friend has Emmett, and I have Jasper. So technically I am jealous of Alice. OOO! I love Alice, I love her personality! She is just soo angelic! Emmett is like the perfect big brother. I can't think of him any other way! Jasper..there are no words to describe Jasper, he's just so...JASPER!! Now Edward, OH!, you could go on and on about Edward! :) Email me some time and tell me what you think. :)

  3. i looooooooooooove it (:

  4. Yes, I frequently wish I was a spineless doormat with no concern for my future and a choice between an emotionally abusive stalker sparkle-boy and a bipolar li'l puppy. -rolls eyes-


    I did not like it in the least.

    It's not exactly the epitome of good literature.

  5. HUGE FAN!!!!!! I loved Edward Cullen, God I wish he was real. Stupid figment of my imagination gosh! And I love Bella. Just wait till you finish the series. You might love it, like me, or hate it like some people. I don't know why I think Bella deserves whatever Stephanie Meyer gave her. I don't know what other people expected but I was pleased.

  6. I liked it. I read new moon too, and it's the ****. I'm waiting to read eclipse, and i heard that in breaking dawn, bella becomes a vampire.  

  7. ive read twilight, new moon, eclipse, and now im reading breaking dawn. I cannot wait to see the movie and im obseesed with the series and Edward.

    bella is sooooo lucky ! grrrr

    IM OBESSED! btw....

  8. I don't.

    As for being Bella, no way.

  9. i envy bella SO much!!! i want edward!!! pshh. id love to be her for even an HOUR just so i could have him! i was trying for a best answers badge in this section [u know cuz of twilihgt] and then people stopped posting questions like last week :/ i am SUCH a big fan of sm's work! im what you might call a 'twihard'. haha lmao. yeah so email me! id love to chat bout the book! just go to my profile and click the email me button!  

  10. Well i used to be obssesed like you when i finished reading it. But dont get your hopes up darling... the last fourth book which is called "breaking dawn" was a huge dissapointment to me. One of the worst books I have ever read in my life! So dont read the fourth book. Oh and the second one is called new moon and the third one is called eclipse.  

  11. I'm almost done the first book and after that I will have to rush to the store to buy the next three because I love them! I was working today and all I could think about was how i wanted to go back home and read some more. And I keep watching the movie trailer lol. Edward is god.  

  12. Oh gosh...I love the Twilight saga. They are seriously my favorite books of all time. I've read them over and over again, and I never do that, so that's saying something! I go through them so fast, I'll be reading for like 2 hours, and then I realize, "Wow! I've already read 250 pages!" I read They are so addicting, and Edward and Bella's romance is amazing. Edward, especially, is amazing (;

    If you can't tell, I absolutely LOVE Edward Cullen! He's my absolute dream guy. I really wish he was real, and that I was Bella! He's so romantic and sweet...I love it!  

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