
Who likes those new bitless bridles?!?!?

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I am getting 2 of them for my two horses. i have used them on my horse and she really likes it. How do ya'll like it?!?!




  1. There are  many bitless bridles.  I use a Vosal. Not the Bosal. Here is the one I use.


    A Vosal is NOT a mechanical Hackamore. Hackamores can be made of leather, rawhide, rope, cable or various plastics, sometimes in conjunction with metal parts. There are three main types: the bosal, the sidepull, and other assorted designs, often classed as "bitless bridles."

  2. Are you asking about hackamores?

    If so I don't really like them that much. I prefer the contact I get from a standard bit. And if they are not used just right I'm told they can be more aggressive because of how they apply pressure to the nose which is very sensitive.  

  3. I've never used one. I think it would depend on the personality and training of the horse...and the

  4. My step dad uses one on his horse. I have ridden w/ a bit and fill more incontroll butshe does not have her wolf teeth pulled yet so that is all we can use but overall I like them

  5. if they work for your horse then awesome!

    i love them but one of my greenies just can't be ridden in them


  6. My dad has one for his big clydesdale.  But he hasn't tried it yet :).  But he got it because he likes the idea of not using a bit.

  7. Never used one personally but I have two friends that have tried them....both had OTTBs. the first absolutly loved it, her horse was much more quiet and supple.... the other it was borderline dangerous! her horse did not respond to the different type of pressure an was pretty much trying to run away from it.

    I think they are great when they work for ya!!!

  8. I love them, but the only bitless bridle I will ride in is this one...

    all the other brands, DONT WORK!!! lol. I have tried many other types, and none of them worked, until I tried this one. It is literally the best, my horse is and angel and much more responsive now that she uses it!

    Here is my youtube channel if you want to see videos of her being

    ridden in it:

  9. I love them. I feel a lot better about riding without something in the horses mouth (although I only use snaffles). My horse is very responsive to seat and leg commands so a bitless bridle is fine on him.

  10. I have one for my young horse.  The first time I trail rode him in it, although I could control him, it took more muscle than I wanted to use.  We have since worked through that and he is great with it.  I recommend that everyone should at least try it.  

  11. If they work for you, good for you.

    I've ridden in a bitless bridle once, and I didn't really like it, my horse was very un-responsive, and just ignored me. WHich lead ot a very not cool ride.

    But I rode another time with one, and it was great. (:

    If itw okrs, good for you.

  12. i'm getting one for my horse because i heard they dont hurt as much as bits. my horse sika cant stand a bit so they probably work good

  13. I have the Dr. Cook bitless bridle.  Both of my horses are former show horses, and done bitted work their whole lives.  Both have taken to the bitless bridle very well, and l love it.  My grandchildren are learning to ride, and it allows them ample control while no pain is inflicted on my horses.

    I ride off of leg and seat cues, so the bitless bridle is perfect for me.  I would recommend this bridle to anyone over other bitless choices.

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