
Who likes to ride the CABOOSE?

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Who likes to ride the CABOOSE?




  1. CABOOSE????????????????????????????

  2. I love sleeping in one at the museum I volunteer at. :)

  3. Outside of railroading (as has already been mentioned with the rough ride and dangers of being rear-ended), they are a lot of fun from a tourist/passenger standpoint.  Who doesn't enjoy sitting up in the cupola watching the world pass by? :o)

  4. The nearest train is 175 miles away -

    I'll just drive

  5. Cabooses are still in use, so ignore that one answerer. We have a few that we use in our shove moves, and they are nice to ride in. It's a smoother ride than what you get in the cab, the furnishings are nicer, you have more room to move around, and there's a little less noise. You'll get some slack action from some engineers, but you'll get that in the cab as well. All in all, I do like a nice caboose ride.

  6. I always liked the rear brakeman job but it can get a bit lonely back there.

    And rough if the hoghead wasn't paying attention.

  7. The caboose is long gone:  replaced by technology with monitors the rear of the train (distance, brake air pressure etc.) Also it eliminated all the injuries from trainman being thrown around when the engr. made an emergency application of brakes.  No one can be injured getting on and off a caboose if there is no caboose.  They were fun especially the cupola.

  8. Depends on the Engineer (back in caboose days). With some, you had to lay down and hang on to something. I gotta good caboose story for ya. In 1990, took a 98 car train 60 miles at 35 mph. It was a beautiful spring day and the evening stayed warm too. We left just before sunset and were en route after dark. It was still beautiful out, so the brakeman and me sat out on the roof of the caboose soaking up the first warm night air. (Very against the rules.) When we got to the opposite terminal, everyone in the yard office stopped what they were doing to look at us. In the bathroom mirror I saw I was completely white on my front side.  A covered hopper just ahead of the caboose wasn't sealed and the wind would blow flour out on us in the dark and we didn't know it.

  9. and who is this CABOOSE?

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