
Who looks after your toddler while you're in labour?

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We won't have family/friends around when I give birth. I'd like my husband with me but what will happen with our toddler? Can he be in the delivery room?




  1. Oh dear     My wife's mum was there for her to look after  the other little ones    

  2. I had my best friend watch my older kids when i went to labor. i'm not sure if they will let toddler in delivery room i doubt it tho

  3. I would not recommend having a toddler with you in the delivery room. Birth can be a very messy and loud experience which i would imagine would be very scary for a toddler to witness.

    I would imagine if you cannot find a friend / childminder / babysitter to look after your son whilst you were in hospital he would most likely be took in by temporary foster care (i know of cases of this happening).

    My suggestion would be you look for a babysitter you can trust to look after your son whilst you go into labour. Either that or arrange to have some family or friends to help look after your son before the baby comes. I'm sure if you ask they will be understanding and helpful.

  4. Pleeeeaaaase don't have your toddler in the delivery room!!!  Its not something a kid should see, what kiddie wants to see their mum in pain with all sorts of gunk (which is what it'll look like to a child) coming out of her bum (to a toddler) if you cant find childcare then please make a compromise and not have your husband with you, i know its a comfort to have him there but don't put that kind of stress onto your toddler.  

  5. im sure you could find a trustworthy babysiitter or someone that works in the hospital im sure are good people and would be willing to watch them.

  6. Quickly make some friends and have them on standby.  I tried to have about 4 options available to look after my two oldest - it'll all work out in the end but I doubt your toddler would be allowed in the delivery room. - OR plan a homebirth

  7. I'd think not. It can be a stressful place for a wee one, let alone yourself when you are taking care of don't need to be worried that the toddler will get into something during that time, and if your husband is with you he doesn't need that worry either.

    I don't know how much time you have until your due date but I would definitely ask a friend, close co-worker, someone from church or neighbor to step in for you if you don't have family around. That way you can use your labor time to focus on the new wee one, and Dad can go pick him up as soon as he is free again. If you don't know anyone, you might check local day-cares for a "drop in". This usually does cost a lot too.  

    Also call your hospital and see what their policy is on visitors in the delivery room, who knows they may help you out! Good luck and congrats on the new wee one!

  8. This was a long time ago, I was 4 when my brother was born, I remember playing in a playroom with a door I couldn't open and nurses would check on me every few mins).

    Maybe hospitals still have rooms like that, its alest worth asking.

  9. i wanted to have mine with me whilst i gave birth, the advice the midwives gave me was great in preparing her so she knew it was ok if mummy cried looked hurt etc...

    The only thing to take into account is that they will not be able to babysit your toddler at the hospital so if she were to get upset and didn't want to be in there with you or if there were any complications with the labour your partner would have to leave with her and you would  go it alone. i prepared my self for this although now in retrospect if this had happened i don't know how i would have coped.

    Have you thought of having a homebirth, this is what i had planned as my daughter would have felt more comfortable in the home environment.

    Unfortunately nothing went to plan! and i ended up being booked to be induced so in the end i was able to arange for someone to have her!

    Good luck!

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