
Who loved Iron Man??

by  |  earlier

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I haven't seen it so I want to know if its good or not!!!!




  1. it was really good!

    if you saw it, there's a part that foreshadows the black military guy as the sidekick in the sequel. when he sees the silver suit, he says "d**n, maybe next time." =)

    go see it!!!

  2. This is the gold section, lol.

    I don't wanna watch it cause I know its gonna be rubbish!

  3. I did I did!

    It was badass.

    Like honestly, I don't know how else to describe it.

    I've heard some guys didn't think it was action packed enough, though.

    I thought it was great.

  4. It was awesome.  Go see it!

  5. It was a great movie. It also got 94% on rt.

  6. I didn't see it. I was too busy golfing.

    Don't bother trying to go see it. I'm sure you'll get lost on the way to th theater since you can't even find the "movies" section.
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