
Who loves Florence and why?

by Guest62463  |  earlier

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Who loves Florence and why?




  1. Dear Beatrice, with a surname like Antinori you must have put a rhetorical question. Do you still live in the Antinori palace at the end of Via Tornabuoni?

    I live in Florence and used to love it. Unfortunately it is more and more a Disneyland and geared to 'eat and run' tourists. Many shops and little florentine places I knew when young have vanished and given place to leather bag shops, jewelries, Pinocchio shops and pizza huts. Drug dealers abund all night in Piazza S. Croce, drunk americans leave shards of beer and wine bottles strewn along the narrow streets and quarrel and fight in the small hours. You cannot park your car almost anywhere, flats and houses cost more than you can pay if you work for a living.

    Yes, Florence is stunningly beautiful and a pain for the heart. I am soon moving to Mugello.

  2. Beautiful city, an excellent place to just wander around and see some great artwork and architecture.  The leather shops are cool too as well as being able to see the statue of david, and than going in the square and seeing all the statues just kind of hanging out.

  3. My grandpap is from there.

  4. Florence is one f those unique places where everything seems to fit in quite nicely, from the culture (just check how many of the great artists  had their base and left there creations there), to the architecture (practically all ages are represented), to the restaurants with incredible wines and wholesome food, the fashionable shops, the pleasant countryside  and the friendly people. Why don’t I live there then ?  I live in Rome, that has all this and a little more. But I enjoy calling by every time I can.

  5. Florence is unique, is a city full of history and arts. The citty is not too big - nor too small, is beautiful. Arquitechture is worgeous. Palaces, and museums full of masterpieces from before de 1500. Is a great place. No other is similar or alike!

  6. Florence is beautiful and historic. Walking around is simply amazing. I loved eating in the restaurants because people treated you like family. The Duomo was fabulous, of course, as were the various museums and churches. Everything has a history to it there. And everything is fantastic.

  7. I almost moved to Firenza when I retired in 1983... had even found a really nice apartment that overlooked the Arno river... but somehow, I opted to just move to Marsailles and live on a boat... but I've often wished I would have moved to Florence.

  8. Florence is a beautiful, charming old city with cobblestone streets and is home to Michelangelo's David.  The weather is usually warm & sunny, and the food is great.  I went there once many years ago and I hope it is still as lovely now as it was then.

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