
Who loves boiled peanuts?

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I'm living in Alaska & craving Southern food yummies :-)




  1. i live in south carolina and it seems like they never go away which is a good thing! they r SOOO good! dry peanuts suck!

  2. the hot ones are the best

  3. I love boiled peanuts with their shells intact.

  4. Most filipinos like them that way

  5. I think they are gross but my kids love them.

  6. i do!

  7. I lived in Georgia for 23 yrs. There's nothing better.

  8. That's all we eat here in Hawaii...not dry roasted or salted...just boiled...and they are so good!!

  9. its so sad, i love nuts.(lol not dirty!) but I cant eat them because they give me migranes. Thats not normal is it ? lol

  10. and boiled goobers are one of the yummiest Southern foods! Think I'll get me some tomorrow.

  11. In the service I was in NC and bought some boiled peanuts. I thought they were weird but now wish I had a bag!

  12. Love them!  Always stop by the roadside stands when I'm in Florida.

    Say..."bald paynuts"

  13. I have yet to meet a Filipino who does not love boiled peanuts.

    This food is so addictive and universally adored that in the streets of Manila, men push wooden carts with stove and boiling cauldron of peanuts in and out of traffic, selling steaming boiled peanuts straight from the pot.

    The carts weave through cars and trucks in the middle of highways and city streets. adding wood and coconut shell chips to the fire as they peddle their ware.

    How freshly boiled is that?

  14. I love them, we get them in India (called ola shengha).  With a little salt, they are addictive!

  15. I do.

    I hate peanuts, and peanut butter the only type of peanut

    I do like to eat is boiled peanuts. I only get them once a

    year when I go to Georgia for my family reunion.

    I buy them at the gas stations and they also serve them as

    a snack along with a fish fry at the family reunion.

    I live in Maryland and as far as I know they don't sell boiled peanuts here.

  16. ME! It really is true that you just CANNOT eat enough of 'em!

    Hey, are you missing grits, too?

  17. i do-south alabama has the best!

  18. i do! and so are many filipinos

  19. I've never tasted it.

  20. ew ew ew ew

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