
Who loves food so much?

by  |  earlier

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I love my food, i eat like a horse, i live to eat lol who else does?




  1. You mean good food? Me! It is like a hobby I cannot let go of!

  2. I think you'll find that everybody except anorexics and bolemics (and of course, anybody else with eating disorders) tend to like their food - it's what keeps them alive.

  3. Oh ii doo, just the getting fat part I hate :P

  4. I doooo for me a good meal is like beeing in heavin :)

  5. YES I DO and its not on.The getting FAT part is stressing.Ive gained 3kg.Can u believe it T?

  6. Yeep i do  =P

  7. Oh YEAH!!!!! lOVE MY FOOD.

  8. Yh I Doo I Lurrve Macaroni Cheese Yum ;)

  9. Me! Its the biggest pleasure in my life, I am always happy when im either shopping for food, cooking it, experimenting with new recipes and above all, eating it! All my social events revolve round food, its the best thing about being human!

  10. Just weighed myself after house sitting for 2 weeks and having lots of frozen dinners. How could I have put on another 2 kilos. Was it the cream that I had with my breakfast cereal ? Was it the bacon and eggs ? It was just food and this love affair has to end .

  11. I LOVE food. My sister and cousin do too. We will be eating something and talking about food/recipes/restaurants.  And sometimes we will be watching the Food Network.

  12. I love cake so much! I could eat it til it came out my ears!

  13. yeah i doo:D  

  14. I absoloutly loooooooove foooooood!!!! I always always always eat but the best part is i never gain weight becasue i am a gymnast and have to practise every mon,tue,thurs,sun from  6-8 on a monday n tuesday 5:30- 8:00!!! How do i do it i dont know???

    hehe lol

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