
Who loves france?????!?

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Who loves france?????!?




  1. Great food, art, wine, clothes, history...very nice.  The people in Paris get a bad rap but then most big city folk are like that.

  2. Not me...been there.  I didn't like the place.  The country side was pretty than I expected, and the people were nice outside of Paris, but in Paris, most people were arrogant and rude~.

    So...for the most don't love it.

  3. i think just the french !!!!!!!!

  4. Me!

  5. i like them just fine; i'd be willing to bet that a lot of people who say they don't have never been there and/or know nothing about it whatsoever; it's simply fashionable to say you don't like france and i think that's ridiculous.  plus stereotyping an entire nation is stupid.

  6. i like disneyland paris if that counts lol

  7. I like France very  much.

  8. The French. Period.

  9. The French do, oh yes.  And King Richard the first did.  Johnny Depp does.  Tom Baker does not as he is moving back to the UK.  So the French and at least 2 other people.

  10. I took a side trip there with my wife while I was in Limburg. I loved the architecture the most. I love France too.

    signed, not another ignorant American

  11. No one!!!!

  12. I love France, if it were not for the French, we Americans would be speaking English!!!!!

  13. J'adore Francais ( I love france)

  14. Oh they are orgasmic in everyway, theyre snails, frogs legs, their people visit each other by hopping in next door

  15. I love France.  I visit France year after year and have never had a bad experience, but then, I have some really great French friends.  I love the diversity of the regions & the geography.  The food, the culture, all of it is incredible.  If I could move there I would.  I'd probably never come back here.

  16. France gets a bad rap, because it does not readily fight in any conflicts etc.  That aside the history, culture, and food are always worth a visit.  As a whole, the people are nice and friendly.

  17. I love france! but mostly the culture.

  18. sigh

  19. My husband does. He's American and lives with me, a French woman here in France with our 2 children who have to live with those two so different cultures.

  20. I'm just answering to say Hi to Rebecca T, and that I totally agree with her every word.

    I'm British and have been living in Aix-en-Provence for 7 years, just up the road from you !

  21. I adore the France and the French people. No other nation on earth cares less about what other people think about them, and that makes them cool...very cool.

    Say this with a French accent and see what it sounds like "We don't care what you think about us". See what I mean?

    They have style to die for, a language that is soft and sensual, amazing "grand projects", the best cuisine, bonkers cars and an unusually liberal attitude to drinking wine, smoking cigarettes and s*x.

    Face it France is cool.

  22. i have travelled quite a bit throughout france, both with the family and touring on motorbike and have always found the french to be very friendly and accommodating, especially in the brittany region. i think the french get a bit p***ed of when people make no attempt to speak their language, after all we expect visitors to speak english! so i can recommend a trip to france, any part of france. you will love it.

  23. I (from Paris, France)

  24. France .... Lovely country , Shame about the people!!!!!

  25. French people!!!!!!!!

  26. OOO ME ME PICK ME!!!!

  27. No one.

  28. I do!  Every time I've been there, I've been impressed with how nice the people are.  And the food!  Incredible.  I don't even speak French, but everyone was nice to me anyway.  I think it's an urban myth that the people are rude, especially if you don't speak the language.  If you're nice to them, they tend to be nice to you.


  30. me

    Living in France :

    I work only 35 hours per week - that's a "full time job". My job is interesting. I have 5 weeks of vacation per year (plus many free days), and that gives me time to visit exotic places like North Africa or Vietnam. I have time for hobbies and sports: I scuba dive in the Mediterranean on weekends. I have great neighbors and friends. People here retire between 55 and 60 years old. Everywhere you go in France is different in terms of food and customs. The men are not particularly handsome, and there are not the open spaces that I knew in the US, but I have to say that I love France. And I like the way that they stand up to the US; it's quite healthy rivalry.

  31. I think it has a bad reputation for being mean and rude. Every time i have been to France i have encountered nothing but the friendliest of people. The food is to die for, especially the bread and cakes. Leave me in a patisserie and ill be happy for hours!!

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