
Who loves lebanon and why?

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Who loves lebanon and why?




  1. i do cuz my man is from lebanon

    and cuz alot of my friends are lebanese

    and cuz its beautiful

  2. I love it because i am LEBANESE


    Beautiful country / great people / good food / awesome night life


    من نكر أصله لا أصل له

    Man nakara aslaho la asla laho

  4. its in my blood

  5. I do'n\t need a reason to love Lebanon

    i just know that I do

  6. I do...I can't explain why, I just love it because it's my country

  7. Because my husband is from there and the culture is beautiful!!! His family is amazing.  It will be a part of my future kids' blood streams...It's better than American culture-wise.  I love it there.  I just wish it was safer in Tripoli because that's where they are all from.  

  8. First, I love your question so much...  (harraktellna chou3ourna; I don't know how to translate this one)

    Second, I dooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo...  I adore Lebanon, my beautiful and unique country, for the same reasons that all my friends here have said but especially for it's kind, warm people that u get attached to so easily....  

  9. i do because i have family over there, and i had lots of fun, the people are nice, theres lots of things to do with your friends, or when yur bored, i miss all the cars beeping lol, also the souq, nd how its up and alive, its never quiet, its pretty cool. =)


    Why?....bcoz it's in my heart and in my blood..bcoz i learnt to love it since i  was a kid...bcoz is a great country......bcoz is beautiful....and bcoz although I didnt born there.....i'm lebanese  and very proud of it.

    Each time i go to more difficult to leave it.



    I liked ur reply so much...I couldnt have said it better than you did.

  11. I LOVE LEbanon BECAUSE IM LEBANESE and I love everything about it. No words to describe the great places and adevnture. I feel sorry for anybosy who hasn't been there becasue they are missing out on sooooo much  

  12. I'm not Lebanese (been living here for over 6years now)..but it is more in my heart than my own country!!

    I've lived all over the world, such diversified cultures and geographies...Lebanon is truly ideal!

    (Putting aside the obvious downside of the political turmoil that haunts these lands) I think Lebanon is kind to the heart, the mind and the soul...I've never more comfortable and at ease than I have been here...such history, such interesting sociological anomalies, such potential, a great blend of cultures and intellectualism,

    A library of knowledge enriched by European, American, Persian, and Mediterranean mentalities

    Beautiful land,mountain and sea coast...great healthy food, small in size (but just right) a true diversity rarely found around the world....

    I feel for Lebanon from the deepest ends of my heart and truly wish that it's people would give it the peace and credit it deserves :-)

  13. I do ! I have Lebanese  blood but have only made contact with my Lebanese roots in the last couple of years...

    It has changed my life...given me a renewed sense of purpose & a sense of family that was never complete before.

    Lebanon is such an amazing in culture , history , natural beauty , with the finest cuisine on the planet & hospitality that takes your breath away !

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