
Who made da decision that da inspired books would go n da bible & which books was left out & who do dey pray2?

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Who made da decision that da inspired books would go n da bible & which books was left out & who do dey pray2?




  1. Kenneth V is a freak.I take it you're a huge fan of fiction?

    I just lost 12 IQ points reading this question.Talking monkey here I come.

  2. Who made da decision, fo yo mama to do it with an ape? Because out came you.

    Blow it out your @ss, Kenneth!

  3. What was 'da' and 'dey' mean? Is that caveman talk?????? Try asking Ovie then......I'm sure he understands that language fairly well.

    .......No, no. 'da' and 'dey'......that's 'gangster' talk, right? In that case.....I recommend talking to Emery.

  4. Gary Bettman made that decision

  5. Well, taking your question literally

    1) "Who made da decision that da inspired books would go n da bible"

    As you specify that they are "the inspired books", the decision was made by the Holy Spirit.  Otherwise, uninspired books might have been included, or inspired books might have been omitted (as they have been over the last 320 years or so).

    The group first recorded as making this decision in a more-or-less *complete* (final?) fashion was the synod of Hippo in 393 C.E.  (**Not** the council of Nicea, which did *not* address this issue).  Although records of this synod are lost, the council of Carthage of 397 C.E. claims to uphold the decision of Hippo

    Note that, of the books most widely considered inspired, only Baruch is missing from this list.  I am not certain when Baruch became considered one of the "inspired" scriptures.

    2) which books was left

    Commonly the following scriptures are left out of many (but not all!) modern bibles that were included in this early list

    Ecclesiasticus (Wisdom of Jesus Ben Sirach)


    1 Maccabees

    2 Maccabees


    Wisdom (Wisdom of Solomon)

    "Additions to Esther"

    Psalm of Azariah & Song of the Three Children


    Bel and the Dragon


    Baruch, including the Letter of Jeremiah

    although Baruch is not included in this early list, the letter of Jeremiah was almost certainly included in the book of Jeremiah, and has been found that way in early bibles (for example, 8th century Codex Amiatinus)

    3) who do dey pray2

    Well, they *used* to pray to the Christian God.  By the time of this list, the doctrine of trinity had already been established (though not solidified), so this would definitely include both Jesus and the Father.  We can **surmise** that they also prayed for the intercession of the saints, as all of the Christian sects hierarchically descended from this early Roman Church follow that practice today.


  6. There was a group of people who did it together, i know they took prophecy and authenticity into account, or i think so. The Biblical accounts match historical records pretty well

    For anybody reading,

    Jesus died to save you from your sins, and he wants to be a part of your life, if you want to know him as your lord and God and Savior, pray this simple prayer, and mean it from the bottom of your heart.

    Dear Lord Jesus,

    I know that I am a sinner, and have come short of the glory of God

    I know that you are the Son of God

    Born of the Virgin Mary

    That died to save me from my sins

    I believe that you died to save me from my sins, and I invite you into my life to be my savior and my Lord.

    Forgive me of my sins dear lord, make me the kind of person you want me to be.

    If you prayed this prayer, and meant it from the bottom of your heart, you are a Christian now and I welcome you into the family. I would appreciate it if you let me know that you have prayed this prayer and feel free to ask me ANY question you may have.

    Take care

    God Bless You And Always Be With You,


    Anbody feel free to contact me about anything, I love meeting new people!

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