
Who made the better impression in the 1976 Olympics,.......?

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Howard Davis Jr, or Sugar Ray Leonard?




  1. leonard

  2. Elma Is Correct.  Davis Was The Better Boxer Then

  3. Davis was a great amateur.  Leonard was a great pro.  Davis was never well suited for the pros.  He was number 1 to Leonard's close second.  In the pros Leonard was worlds ahead of Davis.

  4. Definitely Ray Leonard.  While Howard Davis was very talented, Ray's charisma, c o c k i n e s s and flamboyance left quite an impression to many who've seen the games.  And Ray definitely was the most popular member of the US boxing team in '76.

  5. Sugar Ray Leonard although Davis Jr did too.

  6. I think Davis won the most outstanding boxer award as Ray Leonard had some scuttlebutt about his illigetimate 3 year old son on welfare owning a color TV or something obscure about that.  

    But the way Ray knocked that Cuban around was unbelievable.  You didn't knock Cubans around like that.  That alone made the biggest impression.

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