
Who makes more money a denatl hygeinist or x ray tchnicians????

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i want to know who makes a better living and who gets paid more...whats their much money they make an hour....plz help!!! for my future!




  1. I am a dental hygienist and i can tell you first hand, we make more money than x-ray tech's. I was working 4-5 days a week (alternating weekly between 4 and 5 days a week) and made $70,000 a year.  For that few days a week I was making about $40 an hour.

    My first job right out of college i made $32 an hour. You will have great hours... as an x-ray tech you may work crazy hours for a hospital. But all in all, I think x-ray techs don't make more than $20 hour.

    Dental hygiene is the way to go!! Plus its really easy once you're done with school :)

  2. Being retired from neuro radiology and now in the dental field, I can tell you that radiology is a much more lucrative career.  Specializing in MRI/CT and PET will increase your earning potential even more.  Plus, call pay is pretty nice!  Salaries vary from region to region in both fields, so it depends on where you live in regards to what the salary would be for either career.  Radiology pays alot more than $20/hour.  Specialize in the field and you could easilysee twice the amount of a hygienist.  In a hospital setting, you would take call only for the high end tests such as CT or MRI.  PET scans are not an emergency type of procedure.  There are many radiology practices that are outside of the hospital and would not require call.

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