
Who makes more money coffee barista or food server in fine dining resaurant??

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Both Jobs are monimum wage and make the rest in tips. The question is who will make more tips per day...

Please-----> The only people that should answer this are the only who have done both of these jobs or know someone who had both of them.





  1. most definitely a food server. Your tip depends on your service and the items you are serving/selling, so evidently the sale is higher with food service. A cup of coffee is just that and for the most part, you will get spare change.

  2. Definitely fine dining. Everyone in a fine dining restaurant knows to tip, and to tip well. Baristas only occassionally gets tips, and the checks are smaller, so the tip per person will be smaller, if any.

  3. Well, I have worked in restaurants as a server and a local coffee shop. Your paycheck is more at the coffee shop because people aren't expected to tip. You get regular minimum wage.  However, being a server you get server minimum wage which is $2-3 an hour cheaper, and you get the rest in tips.

    So, the paycheck for someone working in a barista is more, but the person in fine dining makes more money.

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