
Who makes the Play-offs Jets or packers?

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This is going to be an entertaining season as we see if the Jets make the playoffs with favre and if the Packers make it without Brett.




  1. Allow me to say that Brett Farve is a quality QB but on the other hand he couldn't close the deal when it came to the most important game(s)

  2. JETS!

  3. Packers, look at starting qb's from other teams in our division

    Viking- Travaris Jackson

    Lions- Jon Kitna


    join my yahoo free fantasy football league Monroe Ballas (ID# 272887) password: monroe  

  4. Let's see...

    The Packers play in the NFC North where their only real competition will come from Minnesota.

    The Jets are the 3rd-best team in the AFC East behind New England and Buffalo.

    Favre's success was based upon an outstanding group of receivers in Green Bay, something he will not have in New York. So when it becomes apparent that he's reverted to 2005 form and the losses pile up, talk of the Jets making the playoffs will cease. I expect it will happen somewhere around Week 6.

  5. The Pack - The Jets are a bad team with or without Brett.  

  6. Neither team will make the play-offs.

  7. Liberty City Jets have made the Play of but they could go home disappointedly on Friday as their are facing the LS Cardinals

  8. Don't think the Jets will make it, still need a few key players, the packers will probably get close, but I don't think they'll end up making it either.

  9. I am sorry to say that both will not be makling the playoffs!  I hate them both anyway!  I am from Chicago, and you know why I hate the packers!

  10. Neither team & Brett Favre doesn't help the Jets very much

  11. No playoffs for Green Bay.  Minnesota wins the North, and nobody else in that crapfest of a division makes the playoffs.   As for the Jets, they'll certainly improve on 4-12, and might sneak in as a 9-7 wild card if they're lucky.   They shored up their biggest weakness last year, the right side of the O-line, with Alan Faneca, and together with Favre, the offense is hugely improved

  12. Neither.

  13. Probably poor Packers!

  14. Neither team makes it. Jets don't have enough talent - even with Favre - and the Pack can't make it w/ Rodgers as their starter.

  15. Jets have no chance. No outstanding receivers and Brett Favre just needed to stay retired. The Packers have an ok chance but not a great one.

  16. Green Bay is still the best team in the NFC North.  They will be in the playoffs.

  17. Packers will because the rest of the team is strong. Even with a mediocre quarterback, they will go far. While the Jets just don't have many good players to support Favre and the fact that he only has a month to learn a new offense and players.  

  18. The Packers have a better chance but not a good chance, I don't think the Jets have a prayer.  

  19. I think the packers are going to win the playoffs because even that farves gone the packers still have a pretty good team better than the jets.

  20. packers still sneak in as a wild card (9-7 should get by in the NFC) barring an injury.  not a lot of depth.

    the Jets will greatly improve on their 4-12 record. but 8-8 would be a heck of an improvement, and not enough to make the playoffs.   they do play the dolpins twice, which helps, but not enough.

    I said before, I underestand the Jets wanting Farve, but not Farve wanting the Jets.  

  21. Packers will and Jets won't...just because they have Favre now doesn't mean that their O-Line got any's still pretty bad and he's gonna get sacked a lot.

  22. Jets

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