
Who makes the dress code in an office setting?

by  |  earlier

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I have to write a memo for my english class (I'm in college), and I decided I want to have it be about a dress code update.

In an office setting, who would write the memo and who would that person send it to?




  1. Even before casual Friday and the transition to business casual, I do not recall seeing a specific dress code memo. Because a company's contribution to unemployment insurance is affected by the number of successful claims against them, any memo could potentially compromise all subsequent negotiations.

    Not only is the word professionalism vague enough to cover these issues, it can be used for practically every other situation. By deferring responsibility to lower level management a reprimand or termination is general enough to be effective while limiting corporate exposure.

    Also, with the proliferate use of emails in communication, I can't remember the last time I saw a corporate memo.        

  2. normally memos of this nature would come out of the hr section and go out to all personnel!!!

  3. The industry the business is in has the dress codes. But when it comes down to the actual office the business owner sets the business codes by the way he dresses. So the business owner would establish the dressing code, send it to the HR dept and HR would be responsible for forwarding to all employees and enforcing that the code is observed.

  4. HR would write the memo and it would be sent to all staff either:

    i) By an email

    ii) Via a newsletter

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