
Who makes the world a nicer,more pleasant place,The lovely women who assume the traditional roles

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of wife ,mother and home maker ?

Or feminists.




  1. The people who keep quiet and let women live however they please.

    EDIT: You can have whatever opinion you want, but it is and it will remain none of your business.

  2. I don't know who makes YOUR world a nice and pleasant place, but I'm oh-so-pleased it doesn't have to be me. Nor do I care.

    And that's the option that feminism gave me.

  3. Misery isn't related to political beliefs or gender and neither is loveliness. those are internal things that have nothing to do with career choice for either s*x.

    the reality is it does often take two incomes and if you have kids then you have to take care of them any way you can. I agree that ideally if a parent can stay home and raise the kids and keep a lovely tranquil home it is so much better for the family.

    I also believe men (YOU) have the skills and capacity to be the homemaker as well. It really depends on what works for a particular family.

    I am not a feminist, I am a practical person with some common sense, wondering what/who hurt you and made you so angry.

    I wonder the same about hardcore feminists. I don't think people have to act so ugly to get things done.

  4. Why is it always assumed that women fall under two categories:  ones who follow the traditional roles of wife, mother and homemaker, and feminists?  There are so many more categories of women than that.  And who'd to say that a woman who's a wife, mother and homemaker isn't a feminist?  If she takes on those roles by choice, that's the epitome of feminist thought.  I've always believe that feminism was meant to be proactive to equality of women and supportive of their choices of lifestyle.  Just because she chooses to stay at home and fill traditional feminine roles, does not necessarily mean she is being subjugated.  The same can be said for the woman who chooses to be subserviant to her man.  If that is her choice for whatever reason, feminists should support that.

  5. I say the woman who is lovely both in her actions and thinking-- regardless of traditional roles or if the woman prefers to pursue a career.  Assuming the traditional role does NOT make a woman "lovely" no more than pursuing a career makes a woman "strong".  These are qualities individuals obtain through deeds and actions of their own, not through labels.  

    And a feminist can be a wife, mother, and even home maker.  

  6. In truth the one who takes pride in herself and her role.  It doesn't matter in the least whether or not she is or is not a feminist; and or a stay at home mom, because that role is filled by both.

    We can't say only a traditional woman, because many of them can be absolute <female dogs> both in action and word; no one knows till it happens, it just might turn out that in such a case, as this, a feminist can have the ability when she speaks honey drips out of her mouth. As for the action component of what I just said. I personally knew a traditional wife and mom whenever her husband took her out to the bars she always got into barroom brawls.  She refused to walk away from a fight; didn't want people calling her "chicken"  Suppose a man takes out his feminist wife and she don't get into barroom brawls, what then? As an anti-feminist woman that is my honest opinion.

  7. Women can be both, a good mom and "home maker" as you put it, and also be a feminist. We are very good at multi tasking!

    That makes me wonder what men make the world a nicer, more pleasant place... The man who goes to work and comes home, talks to his wife, plays with his kids, listens to what they have to say; or the ones that go to work, come home, changes clothes, pats the kids on the head, gives his wife a peck on the cheek while asking what's for dinner, then plops his butt on the couch with the remote for the rest of the night?

    Hmmmm.....I guess the world will never know.

    Have a great day!

  8. I don't think a woman should be stuck in the house, but if she has kids, she should take a few years off if financially possible to raise her children and then return to work.

    Feminists don't make good wives and they make worse mothers. I feel bad for their children. The children come after the mother. Mothers that aren't neurotic the children come first.

  9. Feminists, for they give options.

    If you WANT to be the traditional mother, you have the choice, instead of being forced into that role

  10. feminine women who are women... and not trying to make everybody unisex (ick).

    Ya know it's ok to be  a L*****n, but i dont think you should get to make laws and put brainwashing campaigns on tv that affect our kids with androgynous and cross-genderous  ideas

    Straight people dont want that

    ((AND I dont CARE how 2 people can say they arent g*y..because 1)youre lying, and marriage doesnt make you not g*y and 2) 2 exceptions wouldnt show I'm wrong.  I'm not wrong.---->Straight people dont want a world full of women who act like men, and men who arent allowed to anymore...and kids who are brought up to be confused now.

  11. What about Feminists who are wives, mothers and homemakers, huh? huh?

  12. Traditional roles with a touch of feminism ( but not too much )

    Differences and



  13. The men & women who use whatever gifts & talents they have to change this world for the better.

  14. no offense but in my opinion, feminists just like to complicate things  

  15. The feminist because it gives women choice, opportunity, and respect. They assure women's rights. Also the masculanist who assures the rights of men.

  16. good people make nice world (both men and women)...

    either feminist who fights for the right cause or the lovely women who takes care of her family without nagging...

  17. You can say that someone is trying to silence you but the truth is it is not up to you.  You can not define what makes a women nicer or more pleasant.  You can't say that women are nicer or more pleasant if they stay where you want them.  The only women you will have semi-control of is your wife (if you pick her to be more submissive) and your kids till they form their on ideas.  Feminist are great women and S****y women all fighting for what they believe in.  Just as men rights activist are great men and then misogynist.  Each group has people fighting for a great cause and some stand right next to those standing for supreme power. Which are you?

  18. Why can't they be the same person?

  19. Aw, you'd be bored without us.  Who would you argue with?  You must enjoy it since you're on here a lot.

  20. Depends on the person!!  Seriously.  Both are apt to be miserable bitchhes, doesn't matter if they are a stay at home wife and mother or a feminist.  People that make the world more pleasant are pleasant people.

  21. Feminists.

    They gave us a crazy little thing called "choice."

  22. wife, mother and home maker with out a doubt.  Feminist are out to fight and fight hard. That by it'd very nature is not a nice environment.

    By the way I understand that is a pretty broad statement and in no way defines everyone. But it is a generalization that tends to be spot on more then it is wrong in my opinion.

  23. You really do live in a narrowly-defined, very limited world, doncha?

    The world is a nicer place when people treat each other with respect.  The roles a woman chooses to adopt have nothing to do with it.

  24. Or.....?

  25. A female comedian once said "If it weren't for feminists I would be at home with my kids all day instead of working to be equal." Or something like that. I think that feminists made the choice to be a stay at home mom or a working mom possible. I think both are good. Not all women were made to be the mom type.

  26. The one that gives a woman a choice on how she wants to live her life.  

    If you really believe its the former then you had better go out there and do your share.  Get yourself a wife so she can be a mother and a homemaker.  Oh you mean you don't want that?  But in a society where all women are supposed to only be wives and mothers- men have to be married or society believes something is wrong with them.    

  27. A woman who works and takes care of her family, along with her husband who also works and takes care of his family.

    You don't have to be a stay-at-home mom to be a good mother and you don't have to be a ***** to be an equalist (or feminist).

    Besides, a smart, educated, working woman is the best to teach her children how to succeed!  She shouldn't overshadow her husband, but work with him for a pleasant home.

    Also, it's hard for families to get by on just one income.  And if they can, why can't a man be a homemaker if he and his wife want that?  It's totally up to the family to decide who takes on which role.

  28. A feminist can decide to be a wife, mother and home maker and many do.  I did so when my children were growing up.  I/They do it by choice, not because there are no other options open to them, or because they are coerced into doing it by a man.

    The world is a much more pleasant place now we have the choice, not only for us but for the men who live with us.

  29. I received this as an answer in another question;

    "My mother worked in the family business, as did I from the age of ten on.

    I worked to support my kids too.

    I'm sixty, the idea that women don't work dates back to the nineteenth century and even then, it was only among the well off. The poorer classes worked in the mills and the factories or did piecework at home.

    In the fifties and sixties all my friends had moms who worked at least part time. They were teachers and secretaries. The ones without college were waitresses.

    It was hard to get a job without a pink collar.

    But women worked, just in low paying or jobs with no hope of advancement."

    1 week ago

  30. I will admit to preferring women who value family over careers.

    who wants to live in a world of bitter, childless, career-obsessed, men-hating feminists? It's a horrible thought

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