
Who messed up in the end??

by  |  earlier

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aigh so just recendly someone who i cared alot about just ended our friendship and well im just trying to figure out whos fault it is so i can get past this.

so what happened was this was one of my friends who i cared alot for expecially since she always came to me when her boyfriend was bein an a$#hole. i would always be there for her and id call her up every once in a while to see how she was doing

then one night i call her up to see how she was doing and shes like i dont want to talk to you any more. natrually i was like wtf but then she explained and said that everything i did was what a boyfriend would do towards a girlfriend. yea i called her up to see how she was doin, yes i sent her birthday gifts and yes i cared alot about her and for her. but all that was just being nice and i had no intention of trying to get together with her since she had a boyfriend and yea.

so like i said who messed up???




  1. Apparently it was she who messed things up.

    You were just trying to be nice as her best friends and she not only didn't appreciate your effort, she also blamed you for that. If I were you I'd also want to say WTF?

    And if you don't want to end this relationship with her, you just need to explain everything to her that you were just trying to be nice to her, and it was in a best friends' perspective. And you need to tell her and assure her that you're not into her and just tell her don't worry about this. If she doesn't believe you then you can say you have already had another girl you like or you've been dating another girl. Just don't let her to think too much.

    Hope I helped and all the best to you.

  2. You both messed up in a way. It sounds like she is using you as a backup. whenever she feels sick of her boyfriend she will just call you up. that is disgusting. It doesn't sound like you did anything wrong really. So she is mostly to blame. you shouldn't have been sending her a lot of presents, even if you didn't have intentions with them.

  3. Don't get what you are saying above their.. don't understand!    As for people messed up..  Anyone that is obsessed with being normal to the point of  not having any fun and making others miserable because of that!

  4. she did

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