
Who military is poving

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who military is poving du peeples? i lov military w3en helps en poves for peeples.




  1. Sorry, I don't know what you are asking.

    You might want to see about using an online translators to translate your question from French to English. Although it might not phrase it right or use correct grammar it might help us understand your question.

    Or send it to "Guess who" first. ;-p

    Example- this answer in french

    Translation: English » French

    Désolé, je ne sais pas ce que vous demandez.

    Vous voudrez peut-être voir un sur l'utilisation de traducteurs en ligne à votre question traduire du français vers l'anglais. Bien qu'il pourrait ne pas bien la phrase ou l'utilisation correcte de grammaire, il pourrait nous aider à comprendre votre question.

    Ou l'envoyer à "Devinez qui" en premier. :-p

  2. Do you speak english?

  3. Maybe this site will help. Babelfish will translate French to English for you. Just enter the text and click translate. I hope it will translate your thoughts correctly. Then come back and ask again!

  4. Sweety I wish I knew french, sorry.  Maybe you could try to european forum.  Peace be to you.

  5. Yes Sir! The Military would love to have you serve. They like the way you write. You would fit in. No doubt.

  6. what on earth did you ask?

  7. the pove peeples r not. wen in trubel dunt wait, blo sum bubles. the military pove peepel saf ur lifee.  

  8. Soldiery is a noble profession - love it.

  9. Not sure what you are trying to ask. Cant understand ya lol.

    If you are asking what country has the Supior Military, then that would be the USA.

  10. Je ne comprende pas.

  11. if this is any help ,  next time You want to post a question, contact me and i will do the best i can to put it in standard english for you ,    that way you will get the sort of answers you want,  OK?   ;)  

    Other than that,   i think you want to know if the military is improving peoples lives,  I have no idea what the french military is doing,   I have not seen anything on the news  about what the french military is doing,  

    The last i knew of the french army was when they ask us to come to vietnam and help them out,  and then they pulled out and left us holding the bag,   but that was a while back,   i have not heard much lately..

    Only the telly show about the foreign legion.   so You would have to inform me as to what the french military has even done.

    good luck  ;)  
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