
Who much should I sell my Balls For?

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We live on a golf course in Palm Beach. We have collected Hundreds of Balls. I know some brands are worth more than others.Where could I cash these fellas in? Sell them to Other golfers who maybe Need balls? Seriously. I have a lot of balls here.




  1. Contact a few pro shops and see if they will buy them from you and what they will pay.

    Or you could sell them on ebay. I would charge 50 cents per ball for ones that are in decent condition but are low-quality balls.

    You could probably charge as much as $3/ball for top of the line balls in great condition.  

  2. See what your " ball hawk " competitors and the sporting goods stores are asking for their " experienced " balls. Then set your price accordingly.

  3. Have a look through them, if any of them are Nike, Titleist, TaylorMade, Callaway sell them for around $2 all the others for $1 - 50 cents.  This is just a very broad idea at the price range of second hand balls.

    Good luck!

  4. Do a little market survey first... go to the golf course pro shop, take a look at what they sell '2nd change' or 'experienced' balls for.  Most shops will sell the brand name used balls between $10 to $15 for 12 balls.  These, of course, are pretty descent condition used balls.  

    You'll have to sort them out first.  The older, 'punished' balls are probably give-aways or at substantial discounts... your local driving ranges might be a potential buyer.

    For the better ones, you can loiter around the golf course parking lot, and sell them at a more attractive price then the pro shop to golfers, or sell them by the bag (assorted or by brand) on eBay.  If you are to sell them at golf courses, I would go to the local muni and not the more prestige/expensive courses... you'll more likely find golfers at muni courses willing to buy used balls for a good price.

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