
Who need a good laught.....?

by  |  earlier

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A blonde, a brunette and a redhead are trapped on an island. While walking along the beach one day they spot a lamp in the sand. They pick it up and rub and out pops a genie. He says : I will grant you each one wish. What is yours? He asks the brunette .

I am sick of this island and I wish to go home.She answers. POOF! She disappeared.

The genie then turns to the redhead. What is your wish? She says: I am also sick of this island I wish to go home too/ POOF ! She disappeared too.

Finally the genie asks the blonde. What is your wish ? She answers : Well, I am very lonely now. I really wish my friends where here now

Star if it is funny !




  1. lol

  2. well i've already heard of that ....

    still funny!!!!


  3. hahahahahahhahah hilarious! cant stop laughing. we need more funny users like you who can post a really goood joke! cheers. thanks! loved it! joke of the day. this joke will be passed on!

  4. lol i heard this one before but it's still funny

  5. Haha its pretty good! But is so frustrating!! I mean they JUST got home and our silly little blonde makes em come back.....errg WHYYY?!?!?! hahaha

  6. thats funny.... dumb blondes, just kidding!!!! LOL

  7. Ha ha classic

  8. hahahaha very funny!!

    stupid blonde made them come back... i would be like pulling her hair off her head!!! hahaha

    nice one, nice one!!

  9. very good...

  10. Classic one - applauses

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