
Who notifies the next of kin when a person dies while living alone?

by Guest60411  |  earlier

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Even if one has a will; how does anyone know about the death? Who notifies the beneficiary of any insurance policy?




  1. If a person has no next of kin.  Most often the Police Welfare unit is telephoned to go into the unit or home.  They then look for next of kin and/or relatives.  People should have information or next of kin in their wallets or on their refrigerators.  The decedent has a responsibility to keep that information prominent and up-to-date.  If you are relative to such a person, you need to advise them.

  2. That stuff isn't "frozen", but if the deceased is the only person on the account, no one else can access them until a judge gives them permission.

    Usually the police will try to track down next of kin, when a body is located.

    The insurance company notifies the beneficiary of a life insurance policy, or attempts to.  The insurance company doesn't find out, unless someone files a claim.  ANYONE who has the contact information, can file a claim.  

    The only way someone knows if you have a will, is if you tell them about it.

    This is why it's SO IMPORTANT for you to tell someone that you have life insurance, this is the company, this is the number.  Update the beneficiary address annually, if necessary.    You keep a paper record of your bank account information, or set it up to POD to someone.  

    Never, ever keep your will in your safety deposit box.  By the time someone can get to it, it's too late.  Be sure at least two trusted family members have, for example, the combo to your house safe, or know where to go to get it (like your accountant or lawyer's office - in a sealed envelope, to be opened by them when you're dead).  Keep a list of your bank accounts including investment accounts, so someone can FIND them.

    If you don't tell someone, there are NOT automatic processes in place.

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