
Who....obama or mccain?

by  |  earlier

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who are you voting for and why?




  1. Neither one. Because popular votes are not important. No matter who you are fighting for, electoral college votes would put you back in place.

    I already see people disagree with me. I know it's hard to accept the truth or hear what you need to hear. But it's okay, go ahead and hate.

  2. None. They both are "harmful" for my country INDIA.  

  3. Obama!

    Except I am Australian

  4. as a lifelong conservative...  i will forgo voting for president...  I will only support someone... anyone  that wont allow all the illegal aliens to stay in my country...  and terminate federal funding to cities that consider themselves sanctuaries.

  5. It would of been Huckabee, 100%. >.<

    But unfortunately, Obama has my support.

    It would be my vote; but I'm not of age.

  6. technicaly im not able to vote yet

    but i think there both good canidates

    but if i could vote id go for john mccain.

    becuase i think he truly is devoted to america

    after being what hes been through and stuff.

    i like his economic and gas plans

    obamas good for many reasons

    one being its fun to say the word obama

    but its a personal choice and everything.

  7. McCain... just to p**s people off :D J/K none of your :D

  8. If Ron Paul's name is on my ballot then there's my vote.

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