
Who of you think McCain should win ?

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i for sure don;t i mean he cant even use a computer and he'll probably die soon




  1. His best chance to win is by picking Romney as VP and going from there. But it's still way too early for me to make any calls.

    To be honest, I don't think either candidate deserves to win. I mean really, the best country in the world has to pick between these two politicians to have the most powerful position in the world? Seems pretty scary whichever way this falls.

  2. McCain is Bush. There's no difference. If you support Bush/Cheney then vote for McCain. If you've hated the last 8 years then vote against him.

    It should be noted that McCain has repeatedly stated his openness to reinstating the draft. That's one difference between the two.

  3. I would rather have McCain as president than obama. I did not know that it was required that you needed to know how to operate a computer to be president.

  4. Not me..McCain is a do nothing who is out of touch.

    Boy you are going get a lot of angry Republicans.

    Lately, many of them have been typing in all caps and using the !!!!

    They can sure dish it out, but they can not take it.

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