
Who old is she if she was born in 1997?

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my moms friend cousin thats a girl was born in 1997 how old is she?




  1. you seriously could not have figured that out yourself?


  2. at least 11 years old. She could have or is going to turn 12 before this year is over.

  3. 11 or 12.:)


  4. Seriously???  What are they teaching kids in school today?!  Subtract 1997 from this year 2008.  That equals 11!!!  Unless she hasn't had a birthday yet this year, that would make her 10.  Please pay attention in school.  Anyone old enough to type and play on line should know basic math skills.  Not trying ot be mean....I blame the teachers & parents!!!

    AHHH!!!  PEOPLE!!!!  She would NOT be twelve unless this year is 2009!!!  OMG!!!

  5. if she was born from january - august she's just 11.but if she was born from september - december she's turning 12.

  6. Surely you can do basic math.

      2008 - 1997 = girls age when she hits her birthday this year

  7. 12 or 11 depending on the birth date

  8. 11 years old!

  9. 11 10 or 12

  10. 11, or possibly 12.

  11. 2008-1997 = 11

    So 11 years old.

  12. 11

  13. ::headdesk::  eoiwjiaddklkcx;lkjsdadj ::headtokeyboard::

    not only am I sad that you can't figure this out for yourself.  I'm also very disappointed that one of your responders thinks that a person born between January and August of 1997 would be 11 but that someone born September to December of 1997 (which comes AFTER Jan-Aug of 1997) would be 12.

    If this is what is coming out of the public school system now, then I understand why my cousin is insisting on home schooling her children.

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