
Who on Earth would want to live in America ?

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Tornadoes.Bears in your Garden. Hurricanes.Coyotes. Earthquakes. Racoons in your bins.Talkin' back to one.Stay in Blighty IMHO




  1. People who want to take care of themselves and not suckle off of the government t*t, and have big brother watching over their shoulders telling them what to think and feel.  

  2. People who are born there and don't know any better!

  3. Maybe you should be asking WHY on Earth would anyone want to live in Sri Lanka or Myanmar or Bangledesh, three countries that have been plagued by very bad tropical storms in the past 7 years! More than 4,000 people died or went missing as a result of the November 2007 Cyclone Sidr alone! Tropical storms can happen anyplace in the world. Even London, England got hit with a tornado a few years back! See link below.

    Maybe you should ask why live in Japan, what about the Kobe earthquake? and what about the Boxing Day Tsunami in 2004 there caused approximately 350,000 deaths and many more injuries! You don't have to live in California to experience earthquakes! While they  are well known of particularly in the Pacific Rim, an earthquake can strike anyplace in the world.

    Do you mean to imply that wild animals live ONLY in the US? That there are no more elephants, tigers, and other animals in Africa or Asia?  No more deadly snakes, spiders or crocodiles in Australia?  Please.

    Also, there are bears and raccoons in continental Europe, too. In fact, you can find bears on four different continents!  Coyotes are not just in the US. They can be found from Canada all the way down to Panama...and if you don't bother them, they won't bother you.  

    There are many national parks all across the US to visit, and they all have a diversity of terrain to enjoy. If you like nature, you'll never be bored in America. They don't call this place America The Beautiful for nothing, you know. We have the Giant redwoods, lots of great beaches and coastline "from sea to shining sea", beautiful mountains, awe inspiring deserts and plains. If you ever come to Oregon, you should go  to see Crater'll be amazed at how blue it is!  If you prefer city life, well we in America can accommodate you on that, too. NYC, LA, San Francisco, Seattle are only 4 of some of the more exciting places to visit here...and with more arts and culture than you can shake a stick can see everything from Shakespeare to Santana...and still have time to dine out at restaurants with cuisines from virtually every region of the world!

    So who on Earth would want to live in America? At least 303,824,646 people want to....people like ME who were born and raised here, other who are naturalized citizens, and including people who every day are risking their lives crossing the borders and coming here illegally to live!  

    I think Neil Diamond put the sentiment best in his 1980 song, America:


    We've been traveling far

    Without a home

    But not without a star


    Only want to be free

    We huddle close

    Hang on to a dream

    On the boats and on the planes

    They're coming to America

    Never looking back again

    They're coming to America

    Home, don't it seem so far away

    Oh, we're traveling light today

    In the eye of the storm

    In the eye of the storm

    Home, to a new and a shiny place

    Make our bed, and we'll say our grace

    Freedom's light burning warm

    Freedom's light burning warm

    Everywhere around the world

    They're coming to America

    Every time that flag's unfurled

    They're coming to America

    Got a dream to take them there

    They're coming to America

    Got a dream they've come to share

    They're coming to America

    They're coming to America

    They're coming to America

    They're coming to America

    They're coming to America

    Today, today, today, today, today

    My country 'tis of thee


    Sweet land of liberty


    Of thee I sing


    Of thee I sing


  4. Me  (God bless america , especially all my relatives in Chicago)

  5. You think that's bad? Try growing up on Neptune!

  6. Yep they make there immigrants work for citizenship, the Bears might be going a bit far though......maybe we should try it lol

  7. americans presumably.  

  8. I did 4 lousy years in the navy, and now they pay me to go to college. I dont work. where else could i go to get free education?

  9. Good thing I live in New Mexico!  ha ha....  It's not considered part of the US.  Well, let say not according to most people.

  10. that's the world in general..the animals were here before we were so they are going to roam as they so choose to. As far as earth quakes and other natural disasters..that's what they are... natural disasters..that's some of the things we have to go through living on planet earth!

    Every country has its faults and issues.

  11. I am in the US and I am proud of my country...but man it is hard here.  I can see the US turning into so many other countries where there is no middle class.  The gap is widening between rich and poor and the middle class is disappearing.  

    I would not even know where to start if I wanted to move to another developed country.  I don't know how it is to get a job there or if my skills will be values (MBA, international business).  I would like to find the job first then move there, but where do I look and why would they hire me when they can hire a local?

    I could move to my husband's home country but I am not sure I would make the transition well to a developing country.  I might but the kids surely would not.

  12. Having read others accounts of why they like America, I can see why some are thinking of moving house to Canada. Some from the UK think America is wonderful.

    Alas, ar**s'd hedgehogs and roundabouts in icy conditions make more sense. But carrying guns and knives of all sizes in almost every place in the USA, now that is perfectly good politics and public safety.  

  13. Funny, so many ask this and so many TRY to escape their land to come to America year after year. hmmmmm? come again?

  14. I live in England but I would love to live in America for at least a short amount of time as our money is worth more there :P

    and generally just seems more fun than Britain.

  15. No National Health Care either!  

  16. You forgot about mountain lions, bobcats, rattle snakes, alligators, wolfs, and pit bulls.

  17. every country has its own type of have natural kind

    and animals annoying you...where i live we have istead of tornados

    hurricans...etc. bomb cars shake the houses like earthquack and break all the house glasses ,road bomb ,raid,kidnap.

    and about animals we only have lost dogs and cats ..its so funny to know that you have bear in your garden i only had seen cats , dogs ,pigeons and sparrows   .. i dont understand why you hate it just be carefull.

    do you want to replace..but i forgot to tell you temp are 60 c with no electricity.  so what you think?      LOL   and would you please send a

    picture of the bear in your garden..LOL.. i de love to see it.

  18. yes yes yes.................but what about the GUNS!


  19. One word- California.

  20. I wouldn't to save my life :D x

  21. yes we have coyotes, they are very common in my area and i see them all the time. but why fear them?  the second they see a person, they turn tail and run. just keep small pets inside and don't provide food for them and they aren't a problem.

    yes we have bears, but how many people are killed by them? very few. bears avoid people and if you're stupid enough too get to close to one, it's your own fault if you get mauled.

    and as far as natural disasters, where can you go that doesn't have them?  

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