
Who on here thinks people should have thier child taken away for hitting them?

by  |  earlier

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And if the baby is taken away it should be put to adoption to be raised the right way?




  1. abuse & discipline are two different things...

    keep this in mind.

  2. If it is abuse, then yes.  Discipline no.  But, I do believe that if you are always spanking right away, it has no effect.  Spankings should be saved for when they really need to teach a lesson, not after every little thing your child does.

  3. If it is a physical abuse, meaning injurious situation, yes. But if a parent is disciplining a child by spanking, absolutely not. I encourage it.

  4. If the child has been abused, yes bring him/her away. However, hitting the child as a punishment for something done wrong is good. I know that many Americans disagree with this or cannot spank their child in their home country.

    Come to Singapore, your child break the law and we'll spank him for you. This is what happened some years back. A brat from America came and vandalized public properties and cars thus we caned him before sending him home. =)

    Teach your child or the law will teach them.

  5. i think parents should have their child taken away if it is proved that the parents beat the child. as for the adoption part. i think the parents need to have to go to parenting classes and to anger management classes and given a second chance. if the parent hit the child on the backside as discipline then nothing should happen to the child.

  6. depends on how they are hitting, if its abusive then, yes. If its a normal spanking, then no.

    although i don't see why you would spank your kids, there are better ways to discipline a kid...

  7. yes. have them taken away and put in a home where no one really knows what those people are capable of. then maybe they'll get molested and raped on a daily basis.. i know for a fact that has happened before.

    spanking and beating are two highly different things. no child should be taken away from a parent that is just disciplining them. however if it's actual abuse, then that's a whole other story.

  8. You say baby - no baby should be hit just loved and cared for.

    Older children should not be "hit" either - spanked occaisionally in the traditional way yes but that is *not* "hitting" in the way you I suspect try to portray it.

    That *is* raising them in the "right way".

  9. First, I do not agree with hitting a child.  That being said, I have smacked my child's hand a few times.  Afterwords, I am always furious with myself for lashing out that way.  If a child is being seriously struck by their parent I think that adoption is a huge leap, first the parents should be re-educated.  A lot of parents just do not know how to discipline without hitting.  Showing parents in parenting classes better ways of teaching a child can really help!  However if they are unwilling to attend these classes, or do not follow the instruction, then yes.  Sometimes removal from the home is the only option and that is very sad.

  10. Define "hitting" them please.  If a child is being abused, then yes, the child should be taken and put into a safe environment.  However, a "spanking" on occasion is not always a "bad" thing.  If my child does something dangerous such as trying to put his finger in an electrical outlet or running across a street without looking, he will get a spanking.  Time out is not going to get his attention quick enough to teach him that this is "dangerous".  A quick "swat" to the bottom gets his attention and makes him remember that what he did was dangerous.  In no way do we "beat" our child, but I do believe that part of what is wrong with today's children and society is that children are not taught that there are consequences from an early age.  Our parents spanked us and we learned not to do things.  My parents were not abusive and I believe it shaped the person I am today.

  11. Theres a huge difference between hitting and beating, if you tap a childs hand to teach them its wrong to put their hand in a plug socket and so on is not abuse and they should not be taken away from their family on the other hand a person who is making a child feel bad or hurt and is regularly beating or hitting them to the point of marking them then this is a differ matter altogether

  12. I agree with the first reply.

    Disapline and abuse are totally different. Although i don't agree with hitting children to disapline them.

    However if your talking about a baby, then yeah i think you need to look into that x

  13. Yes Yes and Yes!  Finally, some common sense!

  14. definatly, i think they should be taken away, my boyfriend was taken away from his abusive parents at 10 urs. old and he says it was the best thin that ever happened to him...

  15. It depends on what type of hitting is being done. No child no matter the age or reasoning should go through any type of physical abuse and this should be reported to the local authorities.

    Smacking a kid (Again not belting a child) I feel is acceptable so long as it doesn't get done out of frustration on the adults behalf and it is done for discipline for naughty behaviour or attitude.

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