
Who on here tonight was around to see (either in person or on TV) the 1980 USA - USSR Olympic hockey game?

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Who on here tonight was around to see (either in person or on TV) the 1980 USA - USSR Olympic hockey game?




  1. I was 13, living in hockey-crazed Minnesota.  I remember watching it on TV.  It was pretty intense, a great win.

  2. I was. I was just a kid though. But I remember all of it. It moved me that much

  3. I was 19 at the time. And I watched every game. Cared more for the USA team than I did for the Flyers.

    Laying Low - I had to drive to Pennsville, NJ via Delaware to get drunk. I certainly made up for it when I turned 21.

  4. before my life started.

  5. I was 9.  Didn't know much about hockey, but I watched the games on tv.  It was so thrilling to beat the USSR!  Go USA!

  6. i wasnt born yet

  7. I was. Greatest game I ever witnessed. I ran out in the street jumping and screaming when the USA won!!!!!!!!!!

    Lucky the neighbors didn't call the cops.

  8. I was - greatest game I ever saw!  I still get the same chills when watching Miracle and my kids have to live through another "I remember when" story.

  9. I watched the game on TV in my livingroom in NYC. I was 14 and a huge Islander fan at the time.

  10. I watched it on TV and we weren't far from the Canada/U.S. border.  If we listened carefully we could hear the chants of U S A coming across the border.

    Probably the greatest upset in hockey history.  I still rate it as one of the top three most thrilling games I've ever watched.

  11. I got up early to watch it that day--was living at home in New Jersey.  One of the best games I ever saw--real passion for the team and the country.

  12. Me. But I was only 18 1/2 at the time. Nice to know Awesome Bill beat me out. Drinking age in NY was only 18 at the time. Then I got to watch the Islanders beat  the Flyers to win their first Stanley Cup and Ken Morrow win a Cup on top of his gold medal. 1980 was a good year in hockey for me.

    Awesome Bill- lol, that sucked a bit. I didn't wait until I was 18, more like 15. That's what happens when a grateful deli owner gives you free 6-packs of Molson Golden on Saturday nights for chasing down a shoplifter and bring him back so the owner could beat the **** out of him in the storage room of the deli.

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