
Who one the Vietnam war? Is Vietnam now communist?

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How has this affected the modern day society of vietnam?




  1. Well we technically lost since we didn't achieve our goals there (which were mostly to rape their country for natural resources, etc.) However, Vietnam really got the short end of the stick...the country was left in ruins, agent orange is still causes birth defects, and they were left in total destitude...especially since they had to pay US reparations...we were supposed to pay reparations to them as well but never did. They have been slowly recovering and are now doing much better.  They are now Communist but that's not necessarily a bad thing. Besides no country is ALL Socialist, Capitalist, Communist, etc. Because of globalization, most countries compete in the world market.  Also, Ho Chi Mihn, leader of the VC, was actually quite a smart and respected guy. He made every diplomatic effort to keep from a war but we had our own agenda.

  2. America likes to think that they won. They even made movies like RAMBO where Stallone takes on the entire North Vietnamese army by himself and (of course) won. America won so well that in April 1975, thusands of them clambered up to the top floor of the American Embassy and fought tooth and nail to get onto helicopters to evacuate them. Including the Ambassador and his dogs.

    So now Vietnam is communist socialist which someone says is bad? I think he's still on that roof waiting to be evacuated.

  3. Who won depending which sides you r on but the FACT is that North Vietnam won the war and the country was united on 30th Apr 1975.

    This war has many bad effects on Vietnamese and also American people (may be some other foreigners). On VIetnam side, it divided VNM people to 2 groups (pro and against communist) and there are many families having members from both sides. The infamous jargon "boat people" also comes from this war, there ware many people left the country due to discrimination upon losers families and some due to very poor living condition at this time.

    The war also destroyed the country infrastructure, resources and there are many post war matters need to be solved. It also drag Vietnam several years in terms of economic development.

    Vietnam today still communist country but it follows China way. Communism is fading away and more and more people, govrnt official, policies follow capitalism.

  4. After about 10 years of fighting, the Americans lost the war when the Viet Kong, North Vietnam overthrew the south.  This was in 1975.  This affects modern day society of Vietnam because Vietnam is nowaday's under a communist government which is not good.

  5. The US lost the war and yes Vietnam is communist.  Vietnam has become very liberal over the last 10 years and is a great place to go on holiday.  It is a very free country even though there is mainly only one political party.  You will enjoy a vacation there.

  6. I am assuming you mean the "Second Indochina War" (1954-1975) in which the US and its allies were fighting against the NLF of the South along with the PLAV based in the north. (The 1st Indochina war was the Viet Minh fighting against the French for Independence starting in 1947 until 1954).

    The NLF and PLAV defeated the US backed, and internationally illegal, South Vietnamese government. The South Vietnamese government was illegal due to the fact that the 1954 Geneva agreements on Indochina stated that elections were to take place in 1956 between the two MILITARY DEMARCATION AREAS which were NOT international territories. The US violated every one of the articles in the 1954 Geneva Agreements leading to dissatisfaction throughout the country and then the armed insurrection leading to the war.

    Vietnam is now ruled by a communist government, but is a Socialist country ( if you understand the difference between communist and socialist -- there has only been one communist country in the worlds history, and that was Cambodia 1975-1979 under the Khmer Rouge).

  7. Vietnam is communist and when I am their I feel more free than in the USA...

  8. Viet Kong is an Asian democracy.

  9. who WON?

  10. no one won, and the vietnamese people lost.

  11. we won the Vietnam War. we have never lost a war in US history!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...

  12. North Vietnam won.

    I believe it is socialist.

    They were at war for about 20 years. First with the French then we took over in the mid 60s. America withdrew ground forces in 73 and pulled out completely in 76, shortly there after the government of South Vietnam fell .

    This affected the society as one would expect after 20 years of war there were purges people were executed, in-prisoned and sent to re-educations camps.

    All in all the Vietnamese people have faired well considering its be 30 years. Their economy is solely coming around.

  13. well, no one won the veitnam war but veitnam is still cominust

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