
Who opened trade between india and the mediterrainian world?

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Who opened trade between india and the mediterrainian world?




  1. I have just been reading about this.  Most sources say Portugal, in the 1400's and 1500's.  In fact, Portuguese is still spoken a little in Goa, India, and some other places along the way.  As I recall, prior to that, the Islamic world had a visegrip hold on trade with India and China.

    However, I think the Dutch pretty much came up right behind them and took over.  There was one big company, I forget the name, but the nickname of it was the Dutch East India Company or something like that, that really capitalized on it.  But the Dutch colonial influence somehow never took, and as I recall, it sort of pissed off the Dutch that the Indians insisted in speaking Portuguese.

    After that, the British came in and remained until Indian independence.

    I may be missing parts, don't hold me to it but this is the way I remember it.

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