
Who or What are the"Luminati" (Builderberg)?

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Who or What are the"Luminati" (Builderberg)?




  1. congratulations on starting to open your eyes.  here are some clues:

    not exactly bilderberg but very related and extremely interesting:


  2. The Bilderberg Group is an invitation-only meeting of influential people from throughout Europe and North America.  The purpose of these meetings is to promote cooperation and understanding between America and Europe.  These meetings have no official purpose, and have nothing to do with the myriad conspiracy theories that people start about them.

  3. It is an international group of leading politicians who meet from time to time to discuss future strategy.

  4. The Bilderberg Group are one of several globalist New World Order "Round Table" organizations along with The Tri-lateral Commission, The Club  of Rome, The Chatham House, the Council on Foreign Relations etc. That are said to be funded by the Rothschild dynasty.

      They have a steering committee which meets regularly and hold an annual conference in a choice location.

    It is media blacked out and  in fact in 1991 in  Baden Baden Germany David Rockefeller  said in a speech he thanked the media for their silence:

    “… it would have been impossible for us to develop our plan for the world if we had been subjected to the lights of publicity during those years. But, the world is now more sophisticated and prepared to march towards a world government ".

    The Illuminati is a secret society which was set up in 1776 in Bavaria, Germany  by a crypto (hidden)jew  called Adam Weishaupt - a Rothschild agent.

    It was funded by the Rothschild banking dynasty -who are the main architects of the One World dictatorship plan .

    It infiltrated Freemasonry.  They were the  main protaganists in the French Revoltution. e.g  Robespierre , Danton etc were all members. Some claim that Mozart was murdered by them after wising up to their Satanic agenda when  after he was invited to join.

    Some researchers claim there to be 'illuminati blooodlines' which are ruling elites across the world and who are entralled to Lucifer and  practice Satanic ritual.

    'The Order of Skull and Bones at Yale' of which G.W Bush, his father and Grandfather were all members as well as John Kerry, was set up by a member of the Russell dynasty who've been opium and slave traders for generations.The list goes on.

    They are also claimed to be among the chief conspirators for a global dictatorship.

  5. It is top secret...I can't tell you...but I can give you a hint you can start as an aprentice 1st degree Mason...and then you &  all depends your mental ability, mental, physical, economic status,  and other good things that you can proove you are not a criminal and  you respect the laws of the land... where you live eventually you will be able if you have all thr proper social conections in 20-25 years you can become an aLUMINATI  or SHRINER or both...Any body tell you different  or give you BS secrets ...they do n't know what they talking about...they Just create fear to the public. Ignorance - in the name of JESUS & OBAMA is your bigest enemy.  AMEN

  6. They're a group of individuals who hold secret meetings with political officials. The contents of what they discuss is unknown, but it's been linked to conspiracies and the many unanswered questions surrounding September 11th, 2001.

  7. the Illuminati are the people behind the western governments that control the world and seek to dominate it further.  They are also know as the protagonists of the New World Order.

    They are international bankers, royalty and world leaders.

    The Builderburg group is the name of a group of about 1000 of these well placed elite where they meet in secret - although not so secret these days. To set the agenda, this is where they decide which wars to have, what nonsense to feed the public and how they are going to tax your further and exert more control over the general population.

    Sounds crazy doesn't it, but its all true, documented and known about by those bothered enough to spend time informing themselves.  

    Those  who don't right it off as conspiracy. Which is why they are able to get away with it.

    The film The Metrix was a pop culture way of dealing with these issues but is largely based around the New World Order.

    A really good first view to get an overall idea is

    "Alex Jones Endgame"

    - just Google it and start your journey down the rabbit hole. All the nay sayers would do well to do the same.

  8. I think you mean the Illuminati who are a source of conspiracy theory interesting theory but thats all.

    Google it yourself .

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