
Who or What is "God" from a scientific perspective?

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Wondering what some ideas of what an "immortal" being such as God is from a Non-Religious perspective is.




  1. The scientific hypothesis of the defining characteristics and attributes of God are as yet undefined.

    It is a powerful spiritual force of energy, that which is called Parmatma. This energy is generated by neurons in humanity fired by thought patterns inspired by acts of kindness, attraction, and a hormonally induced need to interact with other humans to reinforce supplied and personal resource of this essential spiritual energy.

    Humans with an extraordinary amount of this spiritual energy tend to have denser genetic mass, increased natural intellectual aptitude and greater capacity of understanding. This Spiritual energy is also found in the atmosphere. Fired by love it increases sense of well being and peace.

    Contaminated by human toxins generated and produced by hatred caused by mental intolerance of external forces usually incited by internal physical stagnation and biological pollution of the body. This creates a hateful, ill tempered hostile person, who in turn causes negative hateful counteractions from others it clashes or fires with. This increases hatred and the wilful force of hated and negative energy.

    Negative energy literally saps humanity of its powerful elixir oil and goodness and proliferates thereby. This battle between good and bad, of man to escape the hate, sin and negativity tin search and toward life is the constant battle.

    Today’s analysis of the definition of What Is God. Today’s .Meaning of Life Should follow Soon.

  2. That's sort of like asking, "What is hydrochloric acid, from a philosophical stand point?"  The question makes no sense.  It's a different domain.  God isn't scientific.  But I guess one could argue that it is God who set down all the rules that nature follows, so He is the creator of science.

  3. That would be when the whole universe becomes conscious of its own existence and actively manages its life.

  4. Fake. If you want an answer of what it would be from a scientific point of view.......... an A-sexual, genderless being that is capable of only one child and the child is ungendered and an exact clone of its parent.

  5. The existence of God and God Himself are merely a reflection on the human desire of perfection. It gives hope to scientists so that they can continue their development and covers up their mistake in past.

  6. I cannot articulate the divine to you, because that would be shorting what it means to me.  God is beyond words, beyond concept, beyond reality!  My last resort is God, my secret  to myself, a name I cannot pronounce.

  7. if by immortal, you mean beyond time... better call einstein (or a relative)

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