
Who or what helped you form your doctrinal beliefs ?

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Who or what helped you form your doctrinal beliefs ?




  1. Learn, pray, practice, and be informed on as much as you can, and then follow your heart.  Cheesy-sounding, I know, but "doctrinal beliefs" are no different than life itself - they should be a balance of knowledge and intuition.

  2. The Bible, God- given common sense and ability to reason, the ability to see different opinions objectively, and the lack of fear of going "against the grain".

  3. During my time overseas in the Navy I was able to read the Bible from cover to cover without a Chaplain or a Pastor telling me what it meant.

    I actually read the Old Testament thru once and the New Testament thru about six times.

    This was during the Vietnam War.

  4. Well my parents had me go to a catholic school for K-12.

    So I guess the Catholic religion helped form my Atheist beliefs.

    I just never bought into what everyone was selling.

    I finally got out at one point and was able to think on my own.

  5. When I was getting into the Lord he gave me a hunger for His Word. I was obsessed.

    If there was something in the Word that I didn't understand, I would immediately go into fasting and prayer for the understanding. As I was learning more and more, I came up on scripture that seemed to contradict itself. Immediately I went into fasting and prayer. It was only a few moments and the Lord spoke to me and said: " Forget EVERYTHING you have heard from preachers and teachers, and HEAR what the SPIRIT is saying to the church ". Well, it took awhile to get into the habit of hearing God instead of men, but HALLELUIAH it was worth it !!!

  6. There is no one thing.

    A series of eye openers that I must attribute to the Holy Spirit.


  8. My parents but letting me be born right the first time

  9. My Mom was always reading her bible.I mean that ALWAYS.She was kind and thoughtful and helped anyone she could.She was a fine example of a wife and mother that was dedicated to her family.I always picture her to this day on the couch while everyone watched TV reading her bible.I think seeing that all my life and knowing first hand the person she was inspired me to read my bible and study it as she did ,And in the end contributed to my leaving another group that I should never had entered.We have to pay dearly for the errors of our youth .So my doctrinal beliefs come directly from the bible with no and I mean no replacement theology involved.It was good enough that way for Mom and it is more than good enough for me ,nothing that has some special meaning that only a select few understand.Any one can understand Gods word all thats needed is God and a bible.

  10. I was born into my former religion, so I had little choice in the matter.  Since then, I have not changed much of what I believe, though I have lost my respect for their man-made organization.  I am learning more and more every day, and have no fear of questioning, much like a baby, learning to walk, holding on to everything around me, picking things up, smelling it, tasting it, and deciding wether or not it should go in my mouth.  That's what I do with bible based opinions, I am keen to hear them, but now have the ability to question everything, as I have no one holding me back, preventing me from researching and reading what I choose.  My beliefs are still forming and changing, I'll let you know when I'm dead set on any particular belief... might be a long wait... LOL!

  11. chess.

  12. i don't think i have any "doctrinal beliefs" i have taken what i believe to be right and just mainly from the 10 commandments and bits of the Koran, things i have picked up from the 16 years of church attendance and just things i have noticed in life... if i hear some thing that makes sense.. like don't lust after your neighbours wife.. which I'm pretty sure would end badly for me and her.. I'm going to follow it... for example... some thing i picked up from the Koran... basically if you want respect you should show it to others... which is basically karma... you get what you give... why would these things pop up all over the world in different regions and religions if they aren't valid points?  

  13. Born into a Catholic family. My Dad was invited to a revival when I was 5 yrs old. That evening he was born again and filled with the Holy Ghost and the following Sunday water baptized, we then attended there, First Assemblies of God.

    I have visited and attended services, weddings, and funerals in many denominations. Since 1985 my choice has been Assemblies of God.

    God the Father, His Son Jesus and the Holy Ghost. Reading of the Word of God, prayer, and many with sound Godly wisdom, knowledge and spiritual understanding.

    #1...discerning of the spirit

  14. The Satanic bible

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