
Who or what is the cause in your opinion of high health coverage rates?

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Do you think it's the patients going in for every small thing, do you think it's the docs, or just greed on the part of the insurance companies? What are your thoughts??




  1. The greedy agents who take 25% off the top.

  2. Part of it is patients going in for every small thing. Health insurance was never meant to cover the little stuff just like auto insurance doesn't cover an oil change. We can thank the Teddy Kennedy sponsored HMO act in the early 70's for this change.

    However, this is only a small piece. The biggest reasons the bills are so high:  If someone goes to the ER (which many do that don't have insurance) many times they'll give false information (especially the illegals) so the hospital cannot collect. There have been several hospitals in the southern border states close their doors because of this. Another reason is the lawsuits people like to bring against hospitals and doctors. They have to pay the high malpractice premiums or payoff the lawsuits which means they have to charge more to cover. A third reason is medical schools and medical equipment are very expensive.

    The insurance companies make a profit of less than 1% on health policies. They actually help reduce costs when a doctor is in their network. If you have a policy that doesn't include doctor visits with a co-pay you'll pay $70 to $90 for a basic doctor visit in my area. If you don't have insurance the charge for a basic doctor visit is $130 to $150.

  3. Well, seeing as how the insurance companies pay out about $.99 for every $1 they take in, it's not the last one.

    Of course, it's utilization and fraud.  There are just tons of CLAIMS.  In 2005, we spent over $7,000 PER PERSON, for every man, woman, and child, in the US, in medical costs.  Well, that averages out to a little over $500 a month, per person, just to break even.

    And MOST of us don't pay any where nearly that amount, because most people have insurance through their employer, or through the welfare (medicare and medicaid) system.

  4. It is the illegals and uninsured coming in and getting treatment for FREE.  It is not free, we all pay for them.

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