
Who or whom............???

by  |  earlier

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ok i don't know whether or not to use who or whom for this sentence...please help

Bernard Marx is just one of the characters (who or whom) does not agree with the world’s view of happiness.

please tell whether its who or whom....

and how you knew

thanks :D




  1. i think u should use who and there is no need to change does to do...

    i dont know if i'm right

    tried to help=}

  2. Who does.

    "Whom" is a direct object or an object of a preposition. To check yourself, match "who" and "whom" with "he" and "him" - "he does not agree with the world's view of happiness".

    To whom did you give the book? I gave the book to him.

  3. The technical explanation is that who is subjective and whom is objective.  If it's doing the action, use who.  If it's the object, receiver of the action, use whom.    I, he, she, we, they are all subjective pronouns and are the "doers" of the action.  I did it.  She did it.  We did it.  Who did it?

    me, him, her, us, them are objective and receive the action (and usually come after prepositions).  To, for me.  To, for, with him.  To, for, with whom?

    Don't ask for whom the bell tolls.

    He's the one for whom we planned a party.

    You want me to go with whom?  Whom do you want me to go with? (The second one is really not written correctly since prepositions shouldn't end sentences.)

    I've given my classes this trick.  If you're not sure whether to use who or whom, substitute another pronoun.  Who is subjective (he, she, they) and whom is objective (him, her, them).  Just try substituting he or him (you can remember this by recalling that whom and him both end in "m.")     If "he" fits, use who.  If "him" fits, use whom.   Remember, though, that questions are inverted sentences, so flip them around first.  You have to do some flipping with prepositional phrases.  You'll get the knack after a few.

    He is your president.     Who is your president?

    John is the one to ___ I sent the package. = John is the HIM I sent the package.

    For HIM did you throw the party? (Did you throw the party for him ?) = For WHOM did you throw the party?

    Bernard is just one of the characters...he does not agree with...   He = who

    Bernard is just one who does not agree...

    I like the man ... he paints flowers. = I like the man who paints flowers.

    You sent the gift to HIM?  You sent the gift to whom?  To whom did you send the gift?

    It makes more sense when I explain it to the class in person, but I think you'll get the general idea.     Hoe this helps...and I hope you enjoyed reading Brave New World!

  4. a.who


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