
Who out there has an extremely extroverted autistic child?

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An autistic person is typically withdrawn, and reclusive.

Please in truth and life experience, give me an example of a child diagnosed with autism who is very social and out going.

If you are familiar with the diagnose, and someone with it, who maintains the traits of isolism as I briefly described above- your response and information/opinion would be useful and greatly appreciated by myself, as well. I thank you for your time and input.




  1. My daughter (9-1/2) might fit both sides of this.  She's very social at school and out in the community. She tries to make conversation, and will greet sales clerks by name (reads their name tags).    She will talk to other children, though they often don't respond because her social skills are pretty awkward, and sometimes her communication attempts don't make sense to those she's talking to. She has no problem walking up to a clerk to ask for directions, change, or information. She will walk up to the butcher counter and politely order "I need two pounds of ground beef to make taco meat please"  She is very outgoing when she needs to be.

    She has "friends" at school, but is not at all interested in having any come over for playdates. Friends belong at school, home is for her to be alone.  We have a pool and I've tried encouraging inviting a friend but the response is always the same "I'll have her over for my birthday."   I even tried "J is  coming over next Wednesday" only to have her respond "No, that's ok, I don't want to play right now"  We recently went camping and a 6 yr old girl befriended her. She was very persistant and kept trying to engage my daughter.  My daughter played "throw rocks into the river" with her and "rescued" her when her tube when out too far.  When my daughter had enough, she pretty much turned her back on the other girl "I do not want to play any more. I want to make a castle" and wouldn't engage any more. All attempts by the other girl were met with "I said I do not want to"

    When my other children have friends over, she may play with them for a short while, especially if it's physical rough and tumble stuff. Then she retreats to her room.  When she's at home, it's like her sanctuary. She's used up all her resources for dealing with other people and most of the time just wants to be alone to regroup.  She prefers to eat alone, or at least at a different table, she also prefers watching tv by herself.  Her current "best friend" is a paper super hero that she made.  It's pretty cute actually, and the paper friend is much more predictable to her than real people are.

  2. My daughter for the most part is extremely extroverted wanting to dance, sing and act out movies to strangers.  She also likes to kiss and hug everyone she meets.  We really really shocked when we were given the diagnosis of Autism because of her social nature.  Although, all the other characteristics fit like a glove.

  3. I have three kids on the spectrum, two with aspergers and one with severe autism. They are all three very social. The aspies don't ever stop talking to others, often of very inappropriate things. My third child does not communicate very well, but she loves to be around people, watches them and stims like crazy when she's enjoying it.

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