
Who out there has herd of a ailment were you cant feel pain?

by  |  earlier

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I was watching an episode of House and this young lady couldn't feel any kind of feeling of any kind. Whether it being pinched or other. I was wondering is this a real disease or something Hollywood made up. If so what is the name of this disease?




  1. You may be referring to a spinal injury where you are paralyzed and without feeling. That's usually the test they do, prick a person's foot to see if they feel it.

  2. I know someone who had that, so I think it's real, but unfortunately I don't know what it's called.  He could hold a lighter to his hand and have a third degree burn but feel nothing.  

  3. It's congenital insensitivity to pain with anhidrosis. You don't feel pain, hot, or cold, and you can't sweat. A genetic mutation keeps you from forming the nerve cells which sense pain and temperature. Overheating kills a lot of babies with it before their doctors realise they have it. The world's only association for people with the condition has only 67 members.

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