I mean I am chronically late all the time...I mean I get up early with plenty of time for my 55 mile commute. But it never fails. I spill something on my clothes (have to change) The cat runs out (I have to chase her) I get behind the school buses (can't pass!) Notorious Atlanta Traffic, You name it, it's gonna happen to me....And it's not like I'm an hour late or anything... 10 minutes here, 30 minutes there. I've been at this job for almost 10 years on salary. I thought when you get seniority they would give me some slack. I have the longest commute of any one in the office and I have worked here the longest. My being late does not interfere with my work what so ever. And I am d**n good at what I do. No one ever notices I'm always the LAST to leave at the end of the day...They just notice when I'm late. What's wrong with this picture??? Why does everything have to be so d**n petty??