
Who owns the north pole? well besides santa claus and his reindeers and the penguins....?

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now that the the north pole has become navigable; the five surrounding arctic states are jockeying for a good spot to be as lucrative as the saudis in black gold. would the arctic states extend their exclusive economic zone from 370 km for a stake of the endless untapped fortune?




  1. greenland because of its proximity would probably be very interested in owning a piece of the north pole.

  2. the polar bears, snow wolves and people from alaska

  3. If it comes down to it the big guns will decide and that won't be Canada.

  4. if your are speaking of the geographic north pole than nobody owns It's in the artic ocean. however recently russia planted a flag at the bottom of the artic ocean probably to lay claim to resources once the polar ice cap melts away with global warming. that way they can claim in the world court that they were tthe first there.

  5. the eskimos living in an igloo..

  6. the North Pole and the area that it exists in belongs to Canada at this time. However, the pole is " on the move" and magnetic north is moving toward russia at a rate of about a half a mile a year. PS there are no penguins IN the arctic, they are strictly southern hemisphere animals.  

  7. The polar bears.

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