
Who owns the zebra? blah....the question has to be at least 20 charactors long....?

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the facts essential to solving the problem-which requires a combination of deduction, analysis, and sheer persistence-are as follows:

1. There are five houses

2. Wilson lives in the red house.

3. Ted owns a dog

4. Hawaiian punch is drunk in the green house

5. Wayne drinks lemonade

6. The green house is immeadiately to the right of the ivory house (your right)

7. The orange eater owns snails

8. grapes are eaten in the yellow house

9. Water is drunk in the middle house

10. Robert lives in the first house.

11. The man who eats meat lives in the house next to the man with the fox

12. Grapes are eaten in the house next to where the horse is kept.

13. The bread eater drinks orange juice

14. Chuck eats figs

15. robert lives next to the blue house

~*~ now, who drinks milk?

who owns the zebra?

HINT: Each of the five houses is painted a differnt color, and each house's inhabitnat is always a single male who owns a differnt pet, eats one favorite food, and drinks a favorite beverage.

include how you got your answer




  1. Answer: Chuck

    (houses in order from left to right)

    Yellow - Robert - Grapes - Milk - Fox

    Blue - Wayne - Meat - Lemonade - Horse

    Red - Wilson - Oranges - Water - Snails

    Ivory - Ted - Bread - Juice - Dog

    Green - Chuck - Figs - Punch - ZEBRA

    Points please?  =)

  2. Yellow, Norwegian, Water, Spun cut, Fox

    Blue, Ukranian, Tea, Mixtures, Horse

    Red, English, Milk, Medium Cut, Snails

    Ivory, Spanish, Orange juice, Flake, Dog

    Green, Japanese, Coffee, Rough Cut, Zebra


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