
Who passed try-out recently?

by  |  earlier

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Okay, I am throwing in 5 points here for a "pool" :)

As we've been helping each other to get thru those nervous moments by providing some links, tips and suggestions...

I think it is time for some feedback, right everybody?

I realized that lots of girls had their try out today, do you have anything to be filed into the "history", or simply to share with truly yours answers?

Please mention the ID/person who gave you the most help, whether s/he answered your question directly or not.

I will keep this "pool" open as long as possible, probably thru the end of August.

Have fun playing/coaching volleyball :)




  1. well im a freshman this year and i made the c team..i could have done better i guess :[

  2. hmm, i havent had tryouts yet, but i'll come back and edit when i have it =) it's on the 27th

  3. I had try-out all last week and I made Varsity(sophomore).I wasn't nervous @ try-outs because I was on JV last yr, and I've been practicing with varsity all summer...A player for Kent state (volleyball) has helped me the most and gave great advice.(Anja)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. I'd have to say you provided me with the most help :D

    But I cracked under pressure, and did really bad at tryouts.

    I don't know if I made it though, maybe I made the 'B' team. (:

  5. i made the team

  6. My try-outs started today, and if I must say, they went pretty good.

    Actually, they went really well.

    It was about four hours long, and they last all week.

    Volleyball and weightlifting for basketball really took a strain on my knees though, becuase of my osgood-schlatter disease in both of my knees.

    I'm not sure if you know what OSD is, but luckily it isn't to serious and it goes away by it's self after a while.

    Back to volleyball try-outs, the JV coach was watching me serve, and she was pleasently suprised to learn that my serve had improved so much during the week or so that we did not have open-gym's.

    All I did was serve back and forth acrooss my yard, i guess basketball weight lifting helped too though.

    Also, I got a lot of compliments on my spike, which is pretty unusual for my height.

    I'm the shortest by far trying out.

    I did pretty good on my passes too.

    Not so great on my sets, but they were playable.

    Sets aren't a big deal for me though becuase I never have to set becuase of my height.

    About twelve people will make JV and about tweleve for varsity also.

    I'm pretty confident now that I will make it.

    Although before tyrouts, I was very nervous and didn't have much confidence that I would make it.

    I don't expect to make varsity though, being a freshman.

    Who helped me the most?

    I would probably have to say my middle school volleyball coach.

    She taught me the basics, how to serve, bump, set, ect.

    When I started out I had absoulutely no skill at all.

    The Varisty coach has helped me a lot also.

    (I might edit my answer as the week goes on.)

    EDIT: tuesday thruough thursday went pretty well also.

    friday was supposed to be the day we got teams, but now we have to wait until next week. the coaches were pretty impressed today becuase of some of my spikes/dives.

    hahah, right now i'm like their secret weapon becuase nobody expects me to be that strong or great at spiking/serving especially.

    hopefully myself and everyone else on here will make it!

    good luck to everyone.

    hahah, my answer was very long, I hope i didn't bore anyone. :]

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