
Who pays for charity ads on TV?

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I wish to give small but regular donation towards supporting famine relief in Africa - however I am sceptical about these ads broadcast on the TV (uk / Ireland) as it must cost 100s of thousands to broadcast.

Who pays for these ads? A lot of 10 pounds a month from donators would be used up to pay for these ads. Can any one advise on the costs to the charity incurred with advertising and indeed recommend a credible charity where my small donations actually get used in areas which need it and not wasted in advertising please?




  1. The charities pay for the adverts.

    They do this because if they spend £10,000 on advertising and this generates £50,000 in donations then they have more money to give to the poor.

  2. The charaties pay for their ads. It takes money to raise money. The agencies that rate charaties look at what percentage of their income goes to advertising and what percent to administration.  Here in the USA there are a couple that are notorious for having 90% of their budget go into "Administration and Advertising". That means the top executives are passing the caviar while the people in Africa are going hungry. They usually last as long as it takes the newspapers to expose them, then they spring up again under a different name, like evil mushrooms

    OxFam is the exact opposite. They get consistently high marks from the charity rating agencies here. They are as credible as they come. I hate to even mention them in the same breath as the charltans, so I used a different paragraph. Oxfam has an American branch, but it started out as Oxford Famine Relief in Oxford, over on your side of the Atlantic. The parent is still there.

    Google "Charity rating UK" or a similar phrase. You want a UK equivalent of this USA agency:

    They have Oxfam-America on their "Top Rated" list. The UK Oxfam should be rated as highly; same philosophy, even if you folks do drive on the wrong side of the road and drink warm beer.

  3. The charity that is advertising pays for the ads.  You need to look for a charity where 80 or 90% of the donations actually go to the cause.  THere are some charities where only about 15 or 20% goes to the cause the rest goes for administration.  

    Don't just give to the first charity that you see, research them on the internet and find out who actually gives the most money to the people who need it!

  4. i only donate rnd and children in need,

    ur completely right :)


  5. If you go to a charity's website you should be able to find out how much of the money donated goes to admin etc - for my favourite charity, for example (Action Aid), it's 20 pence in the pound. So of your £10 per month, £2 would be spent on fundraising costs.

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