
Who pays for county property tax?

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I’ve recently purchase a house in this county, due to my military change of order. The County Treasurer sent me a bill for the six month construction real state. My question is, it my responsibility to pay this bill or the mortgage company? If the mortgage company is responsible for paying this bill, why is the bill sent to me? Will my monthly mortgage/ escrow go up if the mortgage company starts paying for the county real state tax?




  1. In one way or the other you are responsible to pay any property tax assessed.  If you have an impound account (sometimes called an escrow account) those type of charges are normally paid out of that.  However if this supplemental property tax was not anticipated by the mortgage company you may have a shortage which you will need to make up.  In some cases a supplemental tax bill is not sent to the mortgage company so they do not pay them.  You should communicate the information about the supplemental to the mortgage company ASAP.

  2. Ultimately, you are responsible for it.If you have an impound account, it probably does not include this "supplemental" tax bill but will pick up the increase when it recalculates--and increases--your payment next year.

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