
Who pays for foster care??????

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do the [biological] parents or the state pay for a child in foster care?? or like do the "actual" parents pay for the funding of foster care or does it depend by state?

i know that in the state of georgia, it says that the sate is "fully" responsible for the child and the cost of the child, but does that mean that the parent has to pay for it?

are there any alterniatives for the state to pay for foster care instead of the biological parent(s)?

i live in the state of georgia, so if anyone knows the law on this or has any info on this, please help me out. it would be greatly appreciated!




  1. the state pays for the care of the foster child and the taxes pay for their care.. the child is usually eligible for food stamps,  medicaid (healthcare..state funded) , etc.

  2. In most states, parents are required to make child support payments to the state. The state pays for everything, but they want some compensation.

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