
Who pays for the royal family?

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I understand that, when the Queen or Prince Charles fancy gallivanting around the world, the British people foot the bill by way of the civil list.

But since the Queen is not just the Queen of England, Queen of Scots, etc, but also Queen of Canada, Queen of Australia and Queen of most other Commonwealth countries, should not they too share the cost?

Or do they in fact already chip in towards supporting this unlikely family?




  1. The Queen is not German, she is English. She has some German ancestry just as she has Scottish, Welsh, French, Danish and Spanish ancestry ( and others as well) - as do many English people.  She has ceremonial duties to perform and for this the parliament gives her a grant from the Civil List.

    In Australia, the Parliament pays for her representative, the Governor general and the State Governments pay for the State Governors. When the Queen visits, once she arrives the Australian Government foots the bill.

    The Queen owns a lot of property in the UK and gets an income from tenants which pay for most of her expenses and she now pays tax on this income. In a similar fashion, Prince Charles gets an income fom the Duchy of Cornwall but has Civil List money for his official duties.

    I look forward to the day when Australia becomes a republic but I have nothing personally against the Queen who does an excellent job as will her son when the Queen dies.

  2. You are talking about an 80 year old woman who from the age of 21 took an oath to give her life in service of the Nation. In this she had done a magnificent job. When many at her age have given up the ghost and are in care, she travels the world representing Britain. Her every move, facial expression and words are reported and critisised, yet she carries on regardless. Her income is derived from Royal Estates and the civil list. I for one am happy to pay taxes to support a British Monarchy....or perhaps we should give the money to all the spongers who manage to arrive on our shores.

  3. Canada gained it's independence from Britain some time ago, so we no longer have to pay taxes or anything else to Britain.

    I think the Queen still functions as a figure head in Canada however, and we still have her on our money.

    As far as who pays for the royal family, I'm sure it must be the loyal British subjects,  I mean people.

    That is probably one of the many reasons why Britain's taxes are so ridiculously high.

    A second reason could be from supporting thousands of Muslims who want to kill them.

  4. The British do (we do) - boo. Get them out.

  5. No only the mugs in Britain support these German parasites and the quicker they are removed the better.

  6. We do, unfortunately. Then most of our tax goes to Gordon Brown

  7. i think we do through paying our taxes but I'm not to sure about all that kind of stuff

  8. germany should pay everything, she isnt english, she is a german

    What is the phrase?, if a pig is born in a stable it doesnt make it a horse, the same with the royals, they were born in england, still germans though....

  9. We do it would not be so bad if they were not seen to waste the money, and at least do something to earn it, some will say they bring lots of money in to the UK, THIS IS not SO people come to the UK to see where they live, you know this castle, that palace, they never see the royal family, so why have them the castles and the palace would still be there, and we could save a lot of money that could be used maybe on things needed such as hospitals

  10. well i would rather my taxes paid for the Queen that the British government, who don't deserve a penny.

  11. We all pay,  as tax payers,  but for what we get its not enough.  They do a marvellous job promoting the British Isles.  We as tax payers should be contributing more to help keep them in the lifestyle they are accustomed to.  The way to look at it is,  'If the Royal Family are doing well,  were all doing well'.

  12. Unfortunately, we the British public pay for the Royal family through taxation :-(

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