
Who persons..can be charge for hold departure order in airport?

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Who persons..can be charge for hold departure order in airport?




  1. Can you edit your question please, I'm not sure what you're asking.

  2. Are you asking who can hold the departure of an airplane at an airport........the pilot,mechanic,tower personnel,or even gate agents can hold the departure of an airplane.

  3. There are many things that require a hold for departure.

    The first is the aircraft dispatch or the pilot. The dispatch can hold the aircraft (usually for charters) say if the in positon time or the routing changes by the customer's request, while they delay the trip, or file a new flight plan.

    The second is ATC traffic delays. This being one of hte most common ways a/c are required to hold for departure.  Airports can only handle so many aircarft for any given amount of time, and if this number is exceeded at the departure airport of the destination for hte scheduled arrival time, , then the tower will hold the aircraft to push back the departure/arrival times. They do not want to have an aircraft having to be required to hold at altitude due the fuel requirements of the aircraft, and the pilots do not want to sit doing racetrack patterns in the sky for hours.

    The second is a weather delay, either at the departue or the arrival airport.  Commerial operators have takeoff and landing miniums that have to be met to be legal to take off and land. (with some exceptions , i.e for cat III equipped a/c).  If the weather at either end is below the min required, they will hhold an an a/c until the weather come up above mins.

  4. Rephrase.

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