
Who played the best in all of the olympics basketball games???

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who played the best in every basketball game




  1. the superstars did. and bosh played beyond expectations. they would have been in trouble without him.  

  2. Dwayne Wade, because he is a beast, he was the leading scorer in the preliminaries, and one of the top 3 scorers in every game i think? not to mention the Gold medal game which is most important. Lebron played great though and did a good job with leadership and playing well rounded.

  3. Lebron by far

    he was the best on defense, offense, and passing

    kobe was good but he could have done better in the beginning

    wade was good only in the last game

  4. D Wade  

  5. Kobe, Lebron, and Wade were playing at a very high level.

  6. Kobe,Lebron, and the whole US team, because they beat their opponents at least 60 every time.

  7. Lebron,, and kobe sometimes,, ima keep it real, kobe could have done a better job in the earlier games, but cant have a perfect game everytime,, but lebron and even wade did good

  8. not in every game but for most of them Dwayne Wade was EVERYWHERE he was stealing, blocking, and making big shots, he did all that coming off the bench and it looked to me like he wanted the gold more than any other player

  9. D-Wade

  10. d wade!!!

  11. Dwade, scored like a beast.

  12. Dwyane Wade, what a beast coming off the bench.  

  13. From the US? kobe and wade

    From the entire olympics? Pau Gasol...leading scorer of the tournament btw

  14. Dwayne Wade, He had Put The Most Effort. He Did Everything He Could To His Ability At The Time, Not To Mention He Came Off The Bench

  15. D-Wade. But it really was a team defensive effort that helped them get gold.

  16. Kobe Bryant was the leader of team USA Lastnight proves they couldn't win without him.

  17. kobe and lebron

  18. It was Dwayne Wade showing that just because his team ,the Miami Heat, had a bad year (worst record in the NBA) that he is still one of the Elite players in the game.

  19. wade was but they cant win withiout kobe.

    did u see that 4 point play last night

  20. D-Wade... Don't get me wrong... Kobe last night went off.. But D-Wade overall in all the games did his part...

    It was a team effort... and USA won the gold!

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